National Archives and Library of Ethiopia (NALE)
The University College of Addis Ababa, later renamed Addis Ababa University, was established
Haramaya University and its Library system come into being.
Gondar (Capital of Ethiopia from 1632-1868) College of Medical Sciences and it Library were established
The Addis Ababa University Library System came into being. With over half a million items, it is the largest library system in the country. It has seven branches, including law, medical, engineering, scence, agriculture, and public health, which were stab
The library system has seven branches, including law, medical, engineering, science, agriculture, and public health. It haa a collection of over half a million items. -
The Bahir Dar Polytechnic Institute and its Library were established
The National and Reference Functions Transferred from the National Library to the Haile Sellassie I Library; The National Library Started to function as Central Public Library
Day and Month are not give in the sources used -
The Baher Dar Acacemy of Pedagogy came into being
The Bahir Dar Academy of Pedagogy and its Library
The National Library came under the Department of National Library and Archives of the Ministry of Culture and Sports with Four Divisions: The Public Library, Technical Services, National Library, and Arvhives
Legal Deposit Proclamation no. 50 was Issued, which required publishers to deposit 3 copies of everything they publish in the National Library By 2009, these collections have reached 58, 850, 854 books, 33, 627 perodicals, 859 manuscripts, 9239 microfilms
The Library system of Jimma University became established.
The Bahir Dar University and its library system come into being.
The University of Gondar and its Library were established
The Number of Punlic Libraries reached 249 (IFLA Report 2007)