Development of Liberalism Timeline Assignment (Social 30-1)

  • 300 BCE

    Ancient Greek Democracy

    Ancient Greek Democracy
    (300 BCE-400 BCE): The ancient Greek democracy would begin in Athens where male citizens voted on many legislations and discussed on issues within their society. These meetings are widely considered to be the first form of democracy recorded. This would pave the way for ideologies such as classical liberalism to come into existence and use characteristics from the ancient Greek democracy as principles in their ideology (belief that humans are reasonable and can make rational decisions).
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    (1215): With the threat of civil war evident in Britain, King John of England would grant liberties that would limit certain rights of the monarch and establish basic rights for his subjects. This charter contributed to the development of classical liberalism through allowing individual's rights and freedoms to be recognized in society as well as creating constitutional limits of government (both major principles of classical liberalism).
  • 1300


    (14-16th C): The renaissance was a European cultural movement that involved the rebirth of ancient ideas and values from the former Greek and Roman empires. This time period would see revolutionary changes in art, science, religion, music, and geography. This resurgent time period contributes to the development of classical liberalism through individual's rights and freedoms being a key element into the ideology of humanism.
  • 1400

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy
    (15th C-1776): The Haudenosaunee confederacy is a group of aboriginal nations who were at war with each other for centuries until they came together to abide by the Great Law of Peace. The Great Law of Peace the ways in which the nations could be unified through peace and harmony. The confederacy contributed to the development of classical liberalism through the Great Law of Peace having similar principles as classical liberalism through the recognition of individual's rights and freedoms.
  • 1517


    (1517-1648): The reformation was a political and religious upheaval made possible by individuals like Martin Luther, John Calvin and Henry VIII who challenged the papal authority in Europe that was very corrupt at the time. This movement would result in church and government no longer being so intertwined as it was before. The reformation contributed to the development of classical liberalism through putting constitutional limits on papal authority which acted at times like a government.
  • Enlightenment

    (18th C): The age of enlightenment would see a philosophical and intellectual movement in Europe involving a world of new ideas being introduced. This movement contributed to the development of classical liberalism through showcasing the ideas of economic freedom and the free market to society.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    (18-19th C): The industrial revolution involved to rise of textile and factory jobs while jobs in the feudal system declined. This time period also saw major changes in transportation as well. The industrial revolution contributed to the development of classical liberalism through individual's having the right and freedom to pursue occupations outside of the feudal system.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    (1776): Tired of being controlled by Britain, the thirteen colonies united together to revolt against British power which ultimately led to achieving Independence from Britain and forming the United States of America. The American revolution contributed to the development of classical liberalism through the thirteen colonies achieving economic and individual freedom from the imperial power, Britain.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    (1789): Nearing the end of the 18th Century, multiple miscues made by the French monarchy resulted in citizens violently revolting against the current form of government and leading to the French government being completely restructured (unfortunately many casualties took place during this revolution). This political upheaval contributed to the development of classical liberalism as French citizens fought for their civil liberties which also helped create constitutional limits on the government.
  • Changes to class system

    (19th C): A switch in society occurs after ideas of classical liberalism begin to take hold. The social class is replaced with a class structure that is revolved around wealth. It allows for an individual to achieve as much as they desire (they even have the ability to move up into higher classes). This contributes to the development of classical liberalism through allowing individual to have the right and freedom of not being held down by being in a certain social class from birth.
  • Sources

    All information and picture sources will be found in the photo above.