Department of justice

Development of Justice in Canada

  • BNA Act

    BNA Act
    The BNA Act created the Dominion of Canada, and now July 1st is known as Canada Day.
  • Department of Justice is Born

    Department of Justice is Born
    Department of Justice Act is passed by Parliament and the Department of Justice comes in existence under formal recognization.
  • Juvenile Delinquents Act

    Juvenile Delinquents Act
    This Act was brought in for children between 7 and 16 years old who were considered unmanageable. They were then sent to training schools.
  • First Appeal

    First Appeal
    1923 was when the Canadian Courts first allowed decisions to be appealed.
  • Henrietta Bourque is hired

    The department's first female lawyer, Henrietta Bourque, is hired.
  • Canadian Bill of Rights

    Canadian Bill of Rights
    Under the leadership of John Diefenbaker, the Canadian Bill of Rights was enacted.
  • Constitution Act

    Constitution Act
    All provinces, with the exception of Quebec, signed the Constitution Act which outlined the Principle of Equalization, Natural Resources, Amending Formula, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  • Young Offenders Act

    Young Offenders Act
    Juvenile Delinquents Act was revamped into the Young Offenders Act, and the age of responsibility was raised from 7 to 12 years old.
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    This was the attempt to try to get Quebec to sign the Constitution Act.
  • Youth Criminal Justice Act

    Youth Criminal Justice Act
    Combined deterrance and rehabilitation to target the circumstances causing the youth crime. Teens now charged as adults in some cases.
  • Bill C-10 Introduced

    Bill C-10 Introduced
    Bill C-10 was first introduced in the House of Commons, causing a big stir and thoughts about how criminals were handled.