Milestone and Food developments
Poverty and malnutrition among working classes,Infant mortality at around 220 per 1000, Existence of vitamins indicated ,Diet-health relationships become clearer,and Introduction of school meals. Development of First flour bleaching agent, Milk pasteurization, Drum drying, Sanitary can, Canned baked beans. -
Milestone and Food developments
General strike ,Stock market crash, presages depression, Diets of working classes still poor, and Milk promoted for children. Developments of Vitamins A and D added to margarine, Plate heat exchangers ,Tubular blanchers, and Juice extractors. -
Milestone and Food developments
War-time rationing, Consumer food and nutrition education, National Milk Scheme in 1941, World War Two ends, Establishment of National Health Service, and Policy to increase agricultural output. Development of Fortification - National loaf, Preservatives - meat, Mass production - chocolate, Freeze drying - vegetables, Additives - flour improvers, and HTST' milk pasteurizer. -
Milestone and Food developments
Computerization begins, Measures to control Salmonella in eggs, Refrigerators in 23% of homes by 1964,Trade Description Act (1968), Intensified competition on price, Rise of consumerism - residues, irradiation. Developments of Chorleywood bread process, Instant mashed potato,Polyunsaturated margarine, Meat tendensation - enzymes, Ultra-high temperature milk, and Tetra PakJBnk packaging (aseptic). -
Milestone and Food developments
Food Advisory Committee - additives, Food Act (1984), Diet and cardiovascular disease links, Food Labelling Regulations (1984), Food scare - Salmonella , Consumer concerns about diet and health, Bar codes introduced, and Consumer led market place. Development of Advances In plastic packaging, Single cell protein - Quorn, Low calorie ingredients, Nutritional labelling, Chilled prepared foods, Monounsaturated margarine , Modified atmosphere packaging and Aseptic foods - particulates. -
Milestone and Food developments
Food Safety Act (1990), Food scares - allergens, BSEd, GMOs*, Reform of CAP*, Health of the Nation published, Ageing population, Consumer concern about environment, Retailing and processing globalization. Development of Increasing company specialization, Fat substitutes - Simplesse, Limited use of irradiation, Minimal processing, Functional foods, Growth in organic foods, and Genetically modified foods.