James Hutton
Born 2rd of June 1726
James Hutton was a Scottish geologist, naturalist, physician and chemical manufacturer. He originated the theory called uniformitarianism which is the theory that the earth was formed to same way it is being formed now. He is commonly reffered to as the Father of modern Geology. Throught his observations he understood erosion and sedimation which helped him understand how the earth was formed. He died on the 26th of March 1797. -
Erasmus Darwin
Born 12th of December 1731
Erasmus Darwin was a respected man in the 18th century, he was a physician, poet, philosopher, botanist and naturalist. Erasmus was Charles Darwin's grandfather. He formulated some of the fisrt theories on evolution. He talked about how he thought life evolved from one common ancestor. We now use this theory to learn about evolution and genetics in detail.He died on the 18th of April 1802 -
WIlliam Paley
Born 1st of July 1743
William Paley was an English clergyman, philospher and a Christian apologist. Known for his natural theology of the telelogical argument for the existence of God. He died on the 25th of May 1805. -
Jean-Baptiste Lamark
Born 1st of August 1744
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck was most commonly known and called Lamark, like many others in his time he was many things, a soldier, biologist, academic and a French naturalist. He put out an early theory of evolution and nature laws. Nowadays he is remembered for his theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics. -
John Henslow
Born 6th of 1796
John Henslow known mainly for being the mentor of Charles Darwin and also his friend. He was an English clergyman, geologist and botanist. He died on the 16th of May 1861. He wrote six books in total. -
Charles Lyell
Born 14th of November 1797
Charles Lyell was a British lawyer and geologist who is mainly known as the author of the book: Principles of geology. The book was about uniformitarianism which is the idea that the earth was formed the same way it is being formed today. His contributions were his explanation of earthquakes and the build up of volcanoes. He died on the 22nd of February 1875. -
Robert Chambers
Born 10th of July 1802
Robert Chambers was a Scottish publisher who was also geologist, evolutionary thinker, author and journal editor. He anonymosly wrote Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation which was so contraversial that it wasn't acknowledged that he wrote it until after his death on the 17th of March 1871. -
Charles Darwin
Born 12th of Febuary 1809
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist and geologist who was mainly known for his contributions the the theory of evolution which his grandfather also helped with. In 1859 he published his book called 'On origins of Species' and within about ten years most of the public and scientific community had accepted his theory of evolution. -
Alfred Wallace
Born on 8th of January 1823
Alfred Wallace was a British naturalist, explorer, geographer and many things. Alfred Wallace was mainly known for was that he put out the theroy of evolution through natural selection by himself. He went out and did fieldwork and studies in the Amazon River and Malay Archiepelago. He was known to many in the 19th century as the leading expert in the geographical location of animal species. His ideas also helped Charles Darwin to publish his book.