Industrial Revolution in Europe
This event increased urbanization, resource usage and pollution. -
Once the most prolific bird, the passenger pigeon becomes extinct
This event causes conservation movement grows, concern for tigers, rhinoceros, etc. -
Green Revolution-Intensive technological agriculture
During this time, the resource used (especially fossil fuel use) and pollution increased, which caused the human population to rises sharply. -
The publish of Sand county Almanac
And Sketches Here and There is a 1949 non-fiction book by American ecologist, forester, and environmentalist Aldo Leopold, this book raises the issues and starts debates on environmental ideas. -
Minamata Bay Disaster
From 1956-1968, this event emphasizes the ability of food chains to accumulate toxins into higher trophies levels, including into humans. -
The publish of National Environmental Policy Act
Santa Barbara oil spill, the Cuyahoga fire and the pollution of Lake Erie and other Great Lakes helped galvanize environmental consciousness, shift public attitudes, and create the climate for federal laws such as the National Environmental Policy Act. -
First Earth Summit-UN conference on the Human Environment
Declaration of UN conference.
Action Plan for the Human Environment.
Environment Fund established.
Formation of UN Environment Programme (UNEP].
Earth Summits planned at ten-year intervals. -
James Lovelock publishes 'Gala - A new look at lIfe on Earth' and presents the 'Gala hypothesis'
Systems approach to studying the environment begins.
Nature seen as self regulating. -
Green political parties form around the world
Political pressure placed on governments. -
Bhopal Disaster
This is the world’s worst industrial disaster. -
Antarctic ozone hole discovered
The discovery of the Antarctic ozone hole was first announced in a paper by British Antarctic Survey's Joe Farman, Brian Gardiner and Jonathan Shanklin, which appeared in the journal Nature in May 1985. -
Green awareness strengthens
Environmentally friendly products, recycling and ecotourism become popular. -
Film 'An Inconvenient Truth' released
Documentary buy Al Gore, former US vice-president, describing global warming.