Development of Environmental Movement

  • The Postwar Period

    Congress passes the first federal regulation of water quality called the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. This act allows the government to expand their authority on water pollution.
  • Sulfur Dioxide Issue in Donora, PA

    Sulfur Dioxide Issue in Donora, PA
    20 people died and 600 are hospitalized due to sulfur dioxide emissions which originated from a nearby steel and wire plant. This incident lead to the 1st US conference on air pollution in 1950.
  • The National Conservancy

    In Washington, D.C. the National Conservancy is created. It is a nonprofit organization and its purpose is to protect important land and waters around the world.
  • A Special Message to Congress

    President Eisenhower discusses the problem of air pollination and calls on the Public Health Service to find “effective methods of control”
  • “Silent Spring”

    “Silent Spring”
    Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring and it is acclaimed as the catalyst of the modern environmental movement. This work condemns the overuse of pesticides.
  • The National Environmental Poilcy Act

    One of the first laws regrading the broad national framework for protecting our environment. It establishes requirements when airports, buildings, military complexes, highways, parkland purchases and other federal activities are proposed.
  • The Clean Air Act

    A comprehensive federal law that places regulations on air emissions on stationary and moving sources.
  • The Clean Water Act

    Created the basic foundation for regulation the spreading of pollutants into the waters of the US and also regulated the quality for surface waters.
  • The Environmental Justice Movement

    This movement was started as a reaction to discriminatory environmental practices scutch as toxic dumping and land use decisions which negatively affected communities of color.