Development of CSI Sciences

  • Arsenic Poisoning

    Arsenic Poisoning
    Karl Scheele realized he could transform arsenious oxide into arsenious acid, which, when combined with zinc, produced arsine. This discovery led being able to detect arsenic poisoning.
  • Fingerprints

    The recognition of fingerprint patterns was studied, but it wouldn't be applied to criminal investigations for decades later.
  • Bullets

    The first documented case of law enforcement comparing bullets to catch a criminal.
  • Hair

    Rudolph Virchow, was one of the first to note the differences and unique characteristics of hair to identify someone.
  • Crime Scene Photographs

    Crime Scene Photographs
    The use of crime scene photographs were extensively studied in an effort to detect clues and criminal profiling to catch Jack the Ripper.
  • Blood

    New chemical compounds were discovered to test for blood.
  • Weapons

    Manufacturing data regarding various weapons was catalogued.
  • Crime Lab

    Crime Lab
    The first American police crime lab was created.
  • DNA

    The first case to go to trial using DNA evidence.