Development of Archaeology over Time

  • 18th Century

    The approach was treasure hunting. There were no scientific techniques used. Artifacts were found by luck.
  • 19th Century

    Scientific techniques were introduced, stratigraphy was used to interpret the past, and dating techniques enabled the chronological order of finds from a site to be determined.
    1. Box grid method excavated Maiden Castle in England
    2. Used crude excavation methods; discovered Troy and the Mycenaean civilisation
    3. Sequence dating in Egypt and Palestine
  • 20th Century

    Developed a system to organise artifacts indicating ownership and period of time, detailed recording and conservation as well as the study of artifacts to discover more.
    1. Developed concept of culture, group of artifacts identifying a particular group of people
    2. Intact tomb provided valuable information on royal burials
    3. Discovered tomb of Tutankhamun
    4. Revealed and named the Minoan civilisation