Child Development in the first year of life

  • Birth

    Newborn Reflexes:
    Rooting Reflex,
    Sucking Reflex,
    Moro Reflex,
    Tonic Neck Reflex,
    Grasp Reflex,
    Stepping Reflex Besides grasping and sucking, newborns look at their bodies and at their surroundings. They have mature perception skills that allow them to learn more about their surroundings. As infants develop increasing motor competence, they use perceptual information to inform their choices about which motor actions to take.
  • First Month

    First Month
    By the first month babies are confidently sucking, crying, screaming, sneezing, blinking, and performing other natural reflexes, attempting to lift their heads while lying on their stomach, and etc. They also start to communicate mostly by crying but sometimes by making noises. They develop preferences for certain sounds and turn in directions of familiar voices.
  • Second Month

    Second Month
    The second month of a child's development focuses on milestones of developing personality and skills. They are now gaining more control over their bodies and what likes/dislikes they acquire. Also, senses begin to play an important role and they can see objects and people from up to 18 inches away. Their hearing is improving more as the days go by and they enjoy listening to voices, especially the mothers.
  • Third Month

    Third Month
    Three month olds are growing bigger and becoming more aware every day! By this time, they should be involved with a schedule and becoming used to their surroundings. Some of the motor skills they are now developing are hand eye coordination, opening and shutting hands, and even briefly grabbing toys. They also stop using crying as a primary source of communication.
  • Fourth Month

    Fourth Month
    Four month olds are growing more alert of what's around them and how they are adapting. A main part of four month development is growth. By month four, the baby's weight should likely double from it's birth. They are also starting to really discover themselves as unique individuals, being more aware of what makes them happy and what doesn't. Fourth month olds also notice when the people around them respond to their actions.
  • Fifth Month

    Fifth Month
    By the fifth month, baby's are now realizing where sounds come from and will turn quickly towards new sounds. They also may be able to recognize their own name and understand when you are speaking to them. Not only do they communicate in that way, but they are also showing a strong attachment now by raising their arms when they want to be picked up and by crying when you leave them
  • Sixth Month

    Sixth Month
    The sixth month of a child's development really focuses on motor skills and communication techniques. By this time, they may be starting to sit up alone and even roll from their back to their stomach. Also, communication skills are a key point throughout this month. At this point they should be smiling, laughing, and babbling a lot.
  • Seventh Month

    Seventh Month
    Seven month old's are now learning how to get around and to really explore their motor skills. They may start to creep, scoot, roll, crawl, or even combine movements. They're also going through some physical development such as developing their first tiny teeth. This means that they'll be teething and becoming fussier than usual!
  • Eighth Month

    Eighth Month
    By the eighth month, they should be actively mobile. Some ways they approach this are by creeping (pushing themselves around on their stomach) or moving around by bottom shuffling (scooting around using hands and feet). They also should be able to pull themselves up to a standing position while holding onto something for support. This month mainly focuses on physical development and how children are discovering their mobility!
  • Ninth Month

    Ninth Month
    Nine month old's start to really connect with communication skills. At this point they are most likely babbling all the time and getting a sense of communication. It may be hard to understand but eventuallly throughout this month they will start to babble certain words and sentences. Not only do they get a sense of their own skills but they also gain language comprehension. Everything starts to make more sense and they comprehend more and more each day.
  • Tenth Month

    Tenth Month
    The tenth month of a child's development is a time where they can crawl, pull from a seated position to standing, squat while holding on or sit back down, and cruise around while holding onto things or someone. They are very close to walking and are developing physically very quickly. The final months of development mainly focus on communication, language, and physical aspects.
  • Eleventh Month

    Eleventh Month
    At eleven months, moving around and getting a sense of mobility is very important. They will continue crawling and trying to get themselves up but also might try to let go of someone or anything they are holding on to. This is crucial because it gets them prepared for walking and what ever else is to come. They also have a great sense of communication and of themselves. They can now differ their likes and dislikes and use their emotions to communicate better.