developing modrls of matter

  • 350

    About 350 B.C

    About 350 B.C
    the philospher aritstotle believed in empedocles four element model despite the more recent "atomic" model.
  • 400

    about 400 B.C

    about 400 B.C
    another greek, democritus, suggested that matter was made of tiny particles that could not be broken down further .
  • 450

    about 450 B.c

    about 450 B.c
    a greeek scholar named empedocles proposed that matter was composed of four elements: earth,air,fire,and water.
  • 500

    A.D 500-1600

    A.D 500-1600
    do metals grow like plants ripening into gold? many alchemists( combination of philosopher,mystic, magician, and chemist) believed that they did for centuries they performed numerous eperiments attempting to make gold form cheap metals such as iron and lead.
  • 1650

    an english scientist, robert boyle, did not believe in the four-element model
  • Late 1700s

    Late 1700s
    joseph priestley was the first person to isolate oxygen scientifically,but he did not know that oxygen is an element.
  • 1800s

    however, dalton's atomic model cannot explain why, on a dry winter day, you get a spark when you touch a metal doorknob.
  • 1808

    by this time it was generally accepted that matter was made of elements: the two models had come togeter.
  • 1904

    J.J. thomson revised the atomic model further, to explain his discovery of very light megative particles, called electrons.
  • 1911

    ernest rutherford, working at mcgill university in montreal,designed an experimeny to test thomson's and nagaoka's models.