Su puta madre

Destroy film

  • 2020 BCE

    The last women

    -Caroline (Miquel) is running to escape from James (Biel), but finally Caroline (Miquel) falls and James (Biel) shoots her (with a “Nerf”)(Sound & fire of a gun edited)
  • 2020 BCE

    Jack is getting creazy

    -Jack (Oscar):The last girl died, I think I am getting crazy…
  • 2020 BCE

    The dream

    -Oscar goes to sleep, and dreams that all the windmills attack him.
    -Dream: The windmills start shooting him (Windmills edited)(Fire and sound edited), and Jack (Oscar) starts with an ax destroying the windmills.
    -Finally Jack (Oscar) wakes up.
  • 2020 BCE

    The plan

    -Jack wants to find a helper to destroy the windmills.
    -Jack knocks at the door of a poor house where a poor man called James.
    -Jack explains all the situation to Biel: This night I dream that windmills will attack me, I think that they are getting wicked with the death of the women, we must destroy all the windmills if we don’t want to die.James : I don’t know but, if you pay me $300 I will do it, I need this money.
    Jack : Agrees with the agreement, and he pays James $300.
  • 2020 BCE

    The first windmill

    James (Biel) and Jack (Oscar) start destroying the windmill of John (Miquel) -Jack (Oscar) starts shooting at the windmill (Sound and fire edited), and Biel at the moment puts a T.N.T near the house of the windmill.

    -John (Miquel) starts shouting “aaaaaaaa” and with an ax starts going after Jack (Oscar), and they start fighting but finally Jack (Oscar) kills John (Miquel).
    -And the windmills explode (Sound and fire edited)
  • 2020 BCE

    The second wildmill

    James (Biel) and Jack (Oscar) start destroying another the windmill but this time of Rick (Miquel) James (Biel) starts going slowly behind Rick (Miquel) to kill him. But Rick (Miquel) listens to James (Biel) and he kills it
    And Jack (Oscar) throws a T.N.T near the windmill and near Rick (Miquel) and explodes and Rick (Miquel) dies and the windmills is destroyed. (Sound and fire edited)
  • 2020 BCE

    The last wildmill

    Jack (Oscar) start destroying another the windmill but this time of Smith (Miquel) Jack (Oscar) this time alone starts shooting (Sound and fire edited) at the house of the windmill but Smith (Miquel) escapes from the house through a lateral door and escapes, and he throws some stones to Jack (Oscar) and one of these stones touch him and die.