• 449


    It is characterized by an oral tradition of poetry, songs, English or Anglo-Saxon literature was well established by the Germanic settlers before Christ.
    One of the best known works in Anglo-Saxon times was Beowulf, an epic poem about the Geatish warrior.
  • 1066


    Medieval or Middle English was brought about by the Norman invasion of Britain. When Duke of Normandy he defeated King Harold of Great Britain at the Battle of Hastings. The language was a combination of French ancestry with Germanic influences. Famous works during the medieval period include the History of the Kings of Great Britain (containing the legend of King Arthur) and the Canterbury Tales.
  • 1485


    The English Renaissance saw the rise of the merchant class in Great Britain. the feudal method was slowly disappearing as middle-class merchants increased their wealth. The plays that became popular because they drew the attention of all classes were notable Playwrights including Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.

    Romanticism went from logic and reason to a belief in the senses. later emphasis was placed on interest in urban society, during this time people focused on rural and natural life. The works consisted of being very personal that caressed the mysterious and infinite world. a famous work during this period was Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

    the middle class outnumbered the nobles. Many members of the upper middle class felt they could join the ranks of their superiors and focused on acting like the dignitaries of the day.

    British modernist authors after being devastated by two world wars in Europe had a sense of falsehood. They did not see their government as a trusted means to give answers in life, they preferred to walk away and seek the answers themselves using allegory or fantasy. to do it. Popular British Modernists include: George Orwell (Animal Farm and 1984), James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, TS Eliot, and Aldous Huxley.

    Neoclassical writers tried to plagiarize the style of the Romans and Greeks, this phase was the starting point of the Middle Ages and the tradition of tea in the afternoon, where people sit and debate on different topics, writing is centered in appearances and not in feelings, which is what is truly important, in opposition to the renaissance that saw people as intrinsically good, neoclassical literature saw man as defective.