Depression and WWII

  • Period: to

    Depression and WWII

  • Black Tuesday of 1929

    Black Tuesday of 1929
    The dark day that people lost everything, the stock market crashed which lead to the Great Depression.
  • The dust bowl

    The dust bowl
    A major drought with very little rainfall, high winds, and light soil. Massive sand stroms would cover the people.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt elected to first presidential term

    Franklin D. Roosevelt elected to first presidential term
    In 1932, the first "Four term" president was elected for his first term. He acomplished many things during his time as president.
  • Roosevelts hundred days

    during his first hundred days of being president, many people were left jobless and he pushed 15 major job bills and managed to get a lot of americas jobs back.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes German Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler is named leader of the National Socialist German Wokers Party or Known as "Nazi Party"
  • Tennessee Valley Authority founded

    Tennessee Valley Authority founded
    Establsihed by congress to address a wide range of enviromental, economic, and technological issues.
  • Roosevelts bank holiday

    From March 6 to March 10, banking transactions were suspended all across the country.
  • Works Progress Administration created

    Works Progress Administration created
    Establsihed by congress to make more jobs for the people who lost thiers during the great depression. It allowed many Americans to get back things that they lost.
  • Social Security Act passed

    Social Security Act passed
    Signed by Roosevelt to create a social insurance program for people older than 65, and it made revisions on general welfare.
  • FDR elected to second presidential term

    Re-elected by a landslide and he outlined what was called "The New Deal"
  • Adolf Hitler invades Poland

    The Poland Army was defeated within weeks of the invasion and German Units, More than 2000 tanks and 1000 planes, broke through the polish defenses.