Depressed and at World War II

  • Crash;economic

    This is considered Black Tuesday.This is the day that the stocke markets crashed and is the start of the Great Depression.
  • New President; Cultural

    Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected president. People did not believe that Hoover could end the Great Depression. Many believed that Roosevelt would end the Graet Depression.
  • New Deal;Econimic

    President Roosevelt creates the New Deal to help people get jobs. The Social Security Act was passed in 1935 which provided money once a moth to senior citizens
  • Rape of Nanjing; Cultural

    This was a six week event that occurs in Manchuria. Japanese soliders came into Manchuria and raped about 20-80 thousand women, kids ,eldery, and men.
  • Mass deaths;Cultural

    An estimated amount of 200-300 thousand people died. An episode of mass murder and rape was committed to the people of Nanjing.
  • Never Happened;political

    Japanese officals destroyed the files of the Rape of Nanjing. They did not want to take responsibility for what happened to the Chinease people.
  • Pearl Harbor; Military

    Japan came and attacked Pearl Harbor. Japan did this because they wanted the U.S to accept the japanese domination of the Pacific.
  • End of Depression; Cultural

    The Great Depression Ends because America joined World War II. America declared war on Japan for the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
  • Work Camps;Cultural

    American put the Japanese-American is work camps. This was becasue they thought that some of the japanese-americans were spies.
  • North Africa; Military

    British and American forces invaded French North Africa. They forced the German and Italian troops to surrender.
  • Stalingrad;Econimic

    Major industrial center. Between November 1942 and Febuary 1943 German troopswere stopped, then was forced to surrender on Febuary 2 1943.
  • Tichran ; Social

    Met to decided the future of the war. They agreed to take partition of post war Germany until denazification could take place.
  • D-Day;Military

    This is the largest sea and land attack ever. This took place on the coast of Normady,France.
  • IwoJima;Military

    The U.S takes IwoJima in1945. The Japanese also surrender to the U.S
  • Yalta;Social

    Defet of Germany was foregone conclusion Roosevelt pledge to assist liberated Europe in the Creation of democratic government. Roosevelt saught military support against Japan.
  • Potsdam; Social

    Roosevelt died April 12 and was succed by Harry S. Truman. Truman demanded free elections in Europe.
  • Little Boy; Diplomatic

    The United States dropped its first atomic bomb. The radation of the bomb caused Cancer and birth defects of babies.
  • End of War;Cultural

    This is the end of World War II. America dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki and the Japanese formally surrender ending Worl War II.
  • Iron Curtian Speech; Cultural

    Winchton Churchill gave a speech in Fulton Missouri called the Iron Curtian. He said that he declares that the Iron Curtian has divided the countries.
  • Nuremnerg Trials; Econimic

    Dring 1945 and 1946 international military tribunals tried former Nazi war criminals. Hitler and other top officals committed sucide.