Public education

Department of Education

  • English has been taught on the island

    English has been taught on the island
    John Eaton, Ex educational Commissioner and his helper Dr. Clark established that Puerto Rican teachers had to learn English.
  • Departament of Public Instruction

    Departament of Public Instruction
    Creation of the Department of Public Instruction in Puerto Rico with a designated commissioner.
  • Increased English

    Increased English
    Schools increased English lessons with the idea that it will become the official language.
  • Highly Qualified Teachers

    Highly Qualified Teachers
    Five hundred and forty Puerto Rican teachers were sent to the United States to Cornwell and Harvard University to study. A yearly English exam was given in order to choose highly qualified teachers.
  • No Spanish

    No Spanish
    Spanish is eliminated and English is used as the language of instruction at all levels of the school system in the island.
  • Teacher Protesting

    Teacher Protesting
    Teachers started protesting the separatist movement. They saw that this entire situation to impose English in education in the country was a threat to Puerto Rican identity.
  • Spanish in first grade

    Spanish in first grade
    Introduced the use of Spanish in first grade for classes like, Hygiene, Health, and Reading.
  • Law project to make Spanish

    Law project to make Spanish
    Presented a law project to make Spanish a compulsory language in Puerto Rico schools.
  • Spanish was established as the mean of teaching

    Spanish was established as the mean of teaching
    Spanish was established as the mean of teaching from first to fourth grade. From fifth grade English would be used in half of the classes and Spanish in the other half.
  • A New Comisinado and a New Rule

    A New Comisinado and a New Rule
    Mr. B. Huyke was the new Commissioner of Education and the emphasis is on the use of English because they had to take the opportunity to learn. Also wanted teachers and students to use English outside the classroom, in meetings and conversations the Spanish was prohibited. Spanish-language publications were banned and all school supplies was in English.
  • The complaint of U.S. President

    The complaint of U.S. President
    President Roosevelt complained that Puerto Ricans had not learned English after 38 years of American occupation. He wanted all the education to be given in English so that the next generation could know English
  • Spanish prevailed

    Spanish prevailed
    Spanish prevailed as the mean of instruction up to the sixth grade and English continued as a separate subject.
  • End to the bilingual debate

    End to the bilingual debate
    Dr. Mariano Villaronga put an end to the bilingual debate by stating that Spanish was to be used in all school levels starting in the 1949-50 school year. This prevails today.
  • Educacion Bilingue

    Educacion Bilingue
    The Department of Education applied funds for students who return from the United States. This is known as “Educacion Bilingue”.
  • The U.S. signed the Bilingual Education Act

    The U.S. signed the Bilingual Education Act
    The U.S. signed the Bilingual Education Act by President Johnson and it was not until 1972-1976 that are implanted in PR under the PPD government and the project started in schools Padre Rufo and Pope John XXIII.
  • English Department

    English Department
    The Bilingual Education Program, already established, stops being a program and their projects were transferred to the English Department.
  • Spanish Only

    Spanish Only
    Under the government of Rafael Hernández Colón the "Spanish Only" was approved as, Law Number 4, April 5, 1991.
  • The Bilingual Education had become autonomous

    The Bilingual Education had become autonomous
    The Bilingual Education had become autonomous. Under the government of Pedro Roselló Law Number 1 January 28, 1993 proclaiming as official languages of the island both, English and Spanish.
  • Project to Create a Bilingual Citizen

    Project to Create a Bilingual Citizen
    English immersion program made their way into Puerto Rican schools, under the “Project to Create a Bilingual Citizen.”
  • BEC-21 program

    BEC-21 program
    The governed Luis Fortuño have a new bilingual initiatives in Puerto Rico under the program BEC-21.