Denzyel's Timeline

  • First English Settlement

    In 1607 the first succesfull settlement was established by the English Settlers. It later became known as Jamestown
  • New England Settllers

    A few hundred English Pilgrims, seeking their religious freedom in the New World, established a small settlement near Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.
  • Dutch Establishment

    The Dutch established settlements along the Hudson River in New York in 1626
  • Middle Colonies

    New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware formed the middle colonies.
  • Alien and Sedition Act

    These acts consisted of four laws that increased regulations on immigrants and citizenship to the United States. They were passed by President John Adams as America prepared to go to war with France
  • Mass Chinese Immigration

    The 1800's marks the first major documentations of Chinese in the U.S
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    his act forbid any skilled or unskilled chinese laborer employed in mining to enter the U.S
  • Arizona Becomes a State

    Arizona is admitted as the 48th state to the United States.
  • Cuban Adjustment Act

    This law allows Cuban citizens who have made it succesfully to America and has been living there for one year to become a legal citizen.
  • Legislature passes law requiring proof of citizenship

    Legislature passes a law requiring proof of citizenship to get a driver's license. Russell Pearce, director of the state Motor Vehicle Division, wrote the law.
  • Voters endorse a requirement for english immersion

    Voters endorse a requirement for English immersion in schools, banning bilingual education. It passes 63 percent to 37 percent.
  • The dream Act

    new congretional bill that offers residency to illegal immigrants who graduated from a U.S. highschool, entered the U.S. as minors and have lived in the country continuously for five years or more.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070 is a law passed in Arizona that requires that all immigrants over the age of 14 to carry their registration documents with them at all times
  • Obama Administration sues to block Arizona law

    The Obama administration sues to block the Arizona law. It argues that the U.S. Constitution gives the federal government sole authority over immigration and that immigration enforcement is the responsibility of the federal government, not each state.
  • US launches Immigration reform

    Hundreds of thousands of young undocumented immigrants can apply for the temporary right to live and work openly in the US