Dental History

  • Period: 1301 BCE to


  • 1300 BCE


    Was a Greek physician who wrote. When he wrote he discussed extracting and diseased teeth.
  • 500 BCE


    There wasn't a dental school or official dentist so back then monks were your go to dentist.
  • 500 BCE

    Toothpaste history

    In China (500 BC) they started using toothpaste. Ancient toothpastes ingredients were included such as soot, honey, crushed egg shells, and ground ox’s hooves.
  • 500 BCE

    Teeth implants

    Teeth implants
    Teeth implants are created. They are false teeth made from shells implanted in our lower jaw.
  • 500 BCE

    Hippocrates and Aristotle

    Wrote about dentistry, including the eruption pattern of teeth, treating decayed teeth and gum disease, extracting teeth with forceps and using wires to stabilize loose teeth and fractured jaws.
  • Period: 500 BCE to 1300 BCE

    Middle Ages

  • 100 BCE


    Was a Roman medical writer who wrote about his important compendium of medicine on oral hygiene, stabilization of loose teeth,treatments for toothaches, teething pain and jaw fractures.
  • Jul 6, 700


    The "Sliver Paste" was created back in China (sliver paste is a type of amalgam). It was used back then to fill in the holes (cavity's) from the tooth-decay.
  • Jul 6, 1201

    Guild of Barbers

    First started in France. There was two typed of barbers. There was surgeon barbers and lay barbers. Barber surgeons were trained for the more complex operations. Lay barbers checked your teeth and pulled out teeth.
  • Apr 5, 1400

    France Prohibit

    In France they made a law that prohibit lay barbers from practicing all surgical procedures expect bleeding, cupping, leeching, and extracting teeth.
  • Jul 23, 1498

    Toothbrushes were invented

    Toothbrushes were invented
    In China the bristle toothbrush was made. It was made out of stiff hairs from the pigs back.
  • Dec 7, 1500

    Ebers Papyrus

    He was an ancient Egyptian manuscript who describes diseases of the teeth and toothache treatments.
  • Mar 2, 1530

    Artzney Buchlein

    Artzney Buchlein
    He created the first entirely to dentistry book. It was called "The Little Medicinal Book for All Kinds of Diseases and Infirmities of the Teeth". It was published in Germany. It covered things from oral hygiene, tooth extraction, drilling teeth, and placement of gold and sliver fillings.
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • John Baker

    Was one of the 1st dentist in American. He settled in Boston.
  • Sugar

    A dentist discovered that sugar is bad for yourself and your teeth.
  • Worlds 1st Dental School

    Worlds 1st Dental School
    It was called the "Baltimore College of Dental Surgery". The Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree is established.
  • William Thomas Green Morton

    William Thomas Green Morton
    William Thomas Green Morton was a dentist and wanted to show his new creation. Dr. Morton made history on October 16, 1846. Dr. Morton did a successful surgical procedure with anesthesia.
  • First Women Dentist

    Emeline Roberts Jones became the first women to practice dentist in the United States. She married a dentist as a teen and practiced dentist by his side. In 1866 she became the 1st women to graduate a dental school.
  • Michigan

    Michigan legislature establishes the University of Michigan College of Dental Surgery. This is the first dental college associated with a public university.
  • The Collapsible Metal Tub

    This tube was invented to replace toothpaste sold in boxes.
  • Dental Floss

    Dental Floss
    Johnson & Johnson created dental floss which sold worldwide.
  • Edward Hartley Angle

    Edward Hartley Angle
    Creates the foundation for Orthodontics.
  • Period: to

    Modern World

  • Dental Hygiene

    The first ever dental hygiene school was opened in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
  • Nylon Toothbrush

    Nylon Toothbrush
    Nylon toothbrushes appeared on the market.
  • Oral Health Care practice

    Americans widely practiced preventive oral health care after WWII.
  • Fluoride Toothpaste

    Fluoride Toothpaste
    Fluoride toothpaste became available worldwide.
  • Jack Orio

    Jack was the 1st man dental hygienist. That year ADA (Dental American Association) amended to allow equality for male hygienists.
  • Period: to

    21st Century

  • Treat Tooth Decay

    The United States Food and Drug administration approves of the laser, for dentin, to treat tooth decay.
  • Inisalign

    Inisalign is introduced to the public.
  • Oral Maxillofacial Radiology

    Oral Maxillofacial Radiology
    ADA officially allows the specialty for dentist, Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.
  • Dr. Bill Dorfman

    Dr. Bill Dorfman
    Dr. Bill Dorfman is a famous dentist who created "Zoom White" and "Billion Dollar Smile". He is famous for his book because it provides ways on how to be confident with your teeth and smile. And hes famous for his zoom white because it whitens your teeth.
  • Nanotechnology

    Nanotechnology is excepted to assist dentists in future.
    this will provide early directions in oral health problems like gum disease.