dennis cavanaugh middle ages

  • 181

    Invention of wheelbarrow

    Invention of wheelbarrow
    Invented by prime minister Zhuge Liang (181-234 AD) of shu han
  • 500

    The start of the middle ages

    The start of the middle ages
    The middle ages started in 500 AD and lasted to about 1500. The middle ages is also called the medieval pariod.
  • Jan 1, 768

    Rise of Charlemagne

    Rise of Charlemagne
    Charlemagne was an midieval emeror that ruled most of westerm europe from 768-814. In 771 Charlemagne became king of Franks. In 800 pope Leo lll crowened Charlemagne emperor of the romans.
  • Jan 1, 814

    Legacy after charlemagnes death

    Legacy after charlemagnes death
    After Charlemagnes death in 814 he was buried in his own cathedral at Aachen. He suceeded by his only son to survive him. His empire was diveded by his 3 surviving sons according to Frankish tardition.
  • Jan 1, 1000

    the middle ages

    the middle ages
    The middle ages is also called high medieval period it was the period of european history. This all happened around the 11th century to the 13th century and it ended around 1300. The high medieval ages were preceded by the late middle ages
  • Jan 1, 1058

    great schism

    great schism
    The great schism was in between the western church and the eastern church. the western schism was a split in the catholic church that lasted from 1378 to 1417.
  • Jan 1, 1096

    1st cursade

    1st cursade
    The 1st cursade was one of the first cursades of numbers of attempts to capture holy land. It was called that by pope urban the ll in 1095. It lasted between 1096 to 1099
  • Jan 1, 1145

    2nd cursade

    2nd cursade
    The second cursade lasted between 1145 to 1149. It was the second major cursade from europe from Islam. The second cursade started in response to the fall of the country Edessa.
  • Dec 19, 1154

    Henry II

    Henry II
    Henry II came to power as the king of france on december 19th in 1154 to july 6th in 1189. he was born march 5th in 1133 and died july 6th in 1189. he was king of england but he was born in france.
  • Mar 1, 1188

    3rd cursade

    3rd cursade
    The 3rd cursade was between 1189-1192. .They were deafeted the battle of Hattin and a new call for help was sent. by 1188 the holy roman emperor frederick had sworn cursade vows.
  • Jan 1, 1215

    king john and magna carta

    king john and magna carta
    The magna carta was created in 1215. The authors were king jhon his barrons and stephen langton. The magna carta was a peace treaty.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    The late middle ages

    The late middle ages
    The late middle ages or late medieval period was the period of european history. the late middle ages or lte medieval period was in the 14th to 15th century ended in the 1500. the late middle ages was followed by high middle ages and europe growth came to a stop around 1300
  • Apr 29, 1429

    Joan of Arc and orleans

    Joan of Arc and orleans
    Joan of Arc leads a french force and they reveal the city of orleans. Joan of Arc was only 17 and she was a french peasent.
  • Jan 1, 1440

    Invention of printing press

    Invention of printing press
    The printing press was invented in around 1440 to 1450. The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg.