Demographic Changes

  • Period: Jan 1, 1492 to

    Demographic Changes

  • Apr 16, 1492

    Christpher Columbus

    Christpher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus sails to america and finds a native population in which he causes a mass eradification of the Aztec civilization by spreading European Diseases. This then decreased the Native American population significantly.
  • Apr 16, 1496

    Spanish Colonization

    Spanish Colonization
    Spanish colonizers place colonies within America. This then started a new civilization in America. Thus an increase in population of the Spanish people.
  • Settlement in Jamestown

    Settlement in Jamestown
    The colony was founded upon the common stock companies in which an wealthy Englishmen thought that there was potential. The colonies formed for wealth was rapid in hope to make a ton of wealth.
  • Slaves Upon America

    Slaves Upon America
    An increase in slave imports into America fluorished as the 18th century progressed. This greatly increased the population of America which at some time, a majority of African Americans made up the population.
  • Puritan Migration

    Puritan Migration
    The puritans migrated to New England where they settled and sat many colonies. This brought a rise in population because many puritan groups followed to form religious colonies
  • Indentured Servitude

    Indentured Servitude
    Indentured servents were made so that people of europe may go to America on grounds that they must work for the people that allowed them to betransported to America. This was an easier way for people to be transported to America and a populat way to go without paying.
  • William Penn

    William Penn
    He founded the Pennsylvania colony which brought more quakers into America. Bridnging more people into America prompted other groups to follow which made up the Pennsylvania colony
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The industrial revolution was a time of manufactoring and innovation. The population was growing in the time period.
  • Prohibition of Importing Slaves

    Prohibition of Importing Slaves
    This law stopped the importation of slaves into the United States. Although the population lowered due to the loss of imported slaves, the slave-minded lowered.
  • Irish Famine

    Irish Famine
    Famine in Ireland grew due to potato defects. This was a push factor of Ireland that drove them to America for a famine free life, or so they thought.
  • Mexican War

    Mexican War
    After the Mexican War, mexicans began to migrate to New Mexico. THis increased the mexican population within the United States
  • Pre Gilded Age: New Immigration

    Pre Gilded Age: New Immigration
    Millions of immigrants immigrate to America for the land of opportunity. Wealthy farmers are able to buy the land and tools to farm.
  • Chinese Immigration

    Chinese Immigration
    Chinese immigration to America started and getting jobs of the American people. This increased the Asian population within America but it caused some consequences.
  • Land of Opportunity

    Land of Opportunity
    Many people around the world thought of America as a place for wealth and opportunity. The thought was a pull factor to people to move to America from around the world increasing population
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World War 1 stopped the immigration of the Europeans to the United States. This decreased the amount of workers in factories
  • Birthrate Decreases

    Birthrate Decreases
    The birthrate drops about 6 percent due to men going into war while women in America. This dropped the population from its current standpoint.
  • Medicine

    The increased medicine discoveries by scientist Fleming. The increased medicinebrought healthier american citizens decreasing death and ultimately increase population.
  • Japanese

    An act prevented much immigration of the japanese into the United States by Roosevelt and migration of the japanese within America to certain locations.
  • Baby Boomers

    Baby Boomers
    After world war II, there was an increase in babies being born in the United States. The birth rate skyrocketed due to the soldier men wanting to start families.
  • Antibiotics

    Antibiotics helped cure patients with impairments such as polio. This allowed people to live longer and prosperous, thus increasing population.