The jeffersonians were lead by Thomas Jefferson and Jame Madison and allied with Burr, Clintion, Rush, Gallatin, and had become a national party.
James Monroe was elected without oppostion
Henry Clay threw his support to John Quincy Adams, who defeated Andrew Jackson in a house vote.
The Democratic Rupublicans would dominate national politics
This election saw a shift to the party factions in the south and west.
Andrew Jackson was elected
Andrew Jackson Was Relected
The whig part ceased to exist and the anit slavery republican party had emerged
The party split
A radical group led by William Jennings Bryan succeeded infrocing the party to include plans supporting the populist demands
Roosevelt was re-lected with the largest pluralty in Amersican history
Roosevelt wa elected for a third term
Roosevelts fourth term. He died in office and he was succeeded by Harry Truman
The 1948 party convention saw a split between the northern and southern democrats.
The republicans return to power with the election of Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Southerneres assosicated the repuplican party with the radicalism of reconstruction in voted solidly until the 1960s
Lyndon B Johnson became president after Kennedy's assassination.
Lyndon B Johnson was reelected with a landslide victory over Barry Goldwater.
Al Gore failed to defeat republican George W Bush, despite winning the popular vote.
Democrats lost seats in the congressional elections.
John Kerry was defeated by George W Bush, and the republican party further solidified its control of congress.