1 jan 1792, Democratic party began.
The Democratic Party is the oldest political party in the united states. It is one of the oldest parties in the world. The party was founded in 1828 but it began taking form in 1792. -
Period: to
Democratic party start
war of 1812
By after the war of 1812 the party associated with parochialism of the hartford convention and lost much. it had previously enjoyed and eventually disbanded in 1820. Democratic and Republicans split over the choices of President James Monroe. -
Stephen A. Douglas
At Charlestion in April, 1860 Stephan Douglas was the choice of most northen democrats but was opposed by those who where in the deep south. -
Democratic Convention
outhern democratic followed the lead of the fire eaters by walking out of the democratic convention in april 1860. -
President James Buchanan
Democrats split the choices of a successor to President James Buchanan along north and south lines. the parties provided two separte candidacies for president in the election of 1860. also the republican party gained ascendancy. -
Wilson Elected President
Wilson became the only elected president from the democratic party between 1892 to 1932. Wilson was the second of the only democrats to be elected president between 1860 to 1932. Also this was the last election in which a candidate who was not a republican or democrat. -
Great depression
The great depression in 1929 that occurred under republican president herbert hoover and the republican congree set the stage for liberal government. But the democrats controlled the house of representatives uninterrupted from 1931 until 1995 and won most elections until 1968. -
Social liberal
Since the 1930s the party has promoted a social liberal and progressive platform. Congressional caucus is composed of liberals, centrists, and left libertarians. The party has record of continuous in the United States and among the oldest political parties. -
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected for presidency in 1932. He came forth with an government programs called the new deal. The new deal liberalism meant the social welfare, labor unions, civil rights and regulation of business. The opponents that stressed about long term growth and support for business and low taxes. They started to call themselves Conservatives. -
North and south democratic separated their votes. they did this by putting two nominees up for election. the Northen democrats wrining over south and the republicans with President Truman. -
Woodrow Wilson
Wilson wins election in 1912. But he doesn't gain support needed to win a reelection. that leaving the republicans with power until 1952. -
John F Kennedy
John F. kennedy probably one of the best know democrats that won the election of 1960 but then he was assassinated and replaced by Lyndon B. Johson. -
Civil Rights act
Passage of the civil rights act of 1964 which was championed by a democratic president but faced lower democratic then republican support in congress. The democratic party was primarily a coalition of two parties divided by region. -
The Democratic Party origins to the inspiration of Democratic and Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the federalists in 1792. -
Democrats reversed economic stagnation of previous years. they continues to lead Americans to prosperity. Also teh G.O.P. creates debt and create surpluses. Furthermore democrats will eliminate publicy held by debt by 2012. -
Cut Off
The official result of cut off process has been combining a result from public and a poll result from its 10,000 delegates that where randomly selected. The top 5 candidates that earn more votes will join official primary. -
In August 25, 2007 9 politicians has been set up to their presidential bid. Starting their official primary to the south korean public. -
nationwide policy
In September 5 to september 14 of 2007 the nationwide policy debate will be held in several citied. -
Chung Dong
In October 14, 2007 Chung Dong young was elected as the official presidental candidate of the party. -
United Democratic Party
On February 17, 2008 the Democratic Party merged to form the United Democratic party.