democracy and particpation

  • 1983 BCE

    enrolment and voting

    the enrollment and voting was made compulsory for all eligible citizens
  • 1969 BCE

    the minimum age for voting

    the minimum age for voting use to be 21 years but they have changed it to 18 years in 1970
  • 1919 BCE

    compulsory emrolment

    the compulsory enrolment was introduced for lenitive assembly in 1919
  • 1903 BCE

    the Torries Strate islanders able to vote

    they were able to vote around 1902 to 1965 the reason why they did not want them to is because they could not vote in the states or fedral elections
  • first labour day

    they have created labour day because they want to celebrate the hard workers they have created it in 1901 and the date is the 1st of may
  • woman able to vote

    the woman were able to vote in 1802 by the commonwalth franchsies
  • plural voting was assembly.

    the plural voting was assembly previously the law had permitted electors to vote in any legislative assembly district in which they had satisfied certain residentials property requirements
  • restricted adult

    1963: Restricted adult franchise was removed for
    electors to the Legislative Council with the abolition
    of property qualifications. Plural voting was also
    abolished with enrolment and voting being made
    compulsory for the legislative