Feb 11, 1215
KingJohn: Magna Carta
No one can be arresd unless there are witness's to agreethat the arrest is fair. People are judged bythe law of the land. -
John Locke: Concerng civil Gvernmant
People are not ruled by other people and are ruled by nature. People put in power are only picked by thosein the common wealth. -
Code of Hammurabi
If someone hurts another man they will be puniched equally. -
Declaration of the right of man
No one person can tak authority without the rest of thecountries permission. People are equaland should be rated fairly there for you cant cause them harm. -
New Zealand Election act
Women should be treated equaly to men and are all0wed to vote. -
Amendment XV to contitution of the US
The government cant not let people voteby there ethnicity. -
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Everyone is affected by the human rights. -
European Member States
Everyone needs to work together to move forward.