
  • Jan 1, 770


    Citezenship was granted to men with prpoerty born in athens. women and slaves were excluded. Citezens supposed to take a role in city events.
  • Jan 1, 1215


    Kings and Queens ruled in countries such as France, England, and russia.They felt as if they owed their power directly from god. 'The devine right of Kings" Untill 1215 King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta, to safeguard the rights of citezens.
  • america

    first true democracy, men could vote, women could not nor slaves. and branches of government were restricted so no one could have too much power.
  • french revlolution.

    french revlolution.
    Those who championed liberty imitated dictators to get thier way.They used the gulliotine to eliminate opposition. They left power in Napoleon who used it to try to take over Europe.
  • Rome

    after King sent away rich upper class families took over patricians. the plebs (common people) rebelled and won more rights and helped create the senate. only men were citezens.