
By DyeshaB
  • Lucy goes to the candy factory.

    Lucy goes to the candy factory.
    Lucy Video. Lucy goes to the candy factory to find out that its not her forte when she starts a battle with the candy belt.
  • Kennedy/ Nixon Debate.

    Kennedy/ Nixon Debate.
    Photo Cred. If anyone should’ve known the political power of television, it was Nixon. Yet he didn’t fully grasp the importance of his mere appearance when he met rival John F. Kennedy on September 16, 1960, in the first televised presidential debate.
  • The Apollo Landing

    The Apollo Landing
    Photo Cred. John Glenn’s first orbit in 1962 was televised in its entirety, and when the crew of the Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, the networks covered the event for 30 straight hours.
  • Roots

  • J.R Ewing gets shot on Dallas.

    J.R Ewing gets shot on Dallas.
    Shooting Video. On the show, Dallas, they wrapped up the season fiinale where they choose to have him shot to stir drama.
  • Wedding of Charles and Diana

    Wedding of Charles and Diana
  • Muhammed Ali Lights Olympic Torch.

    Muhammed Ali Lights Olympic Torch.
    Video During the ATL games in 1996, Ali ran up and light the olympic torch.
  • O.J Simpson Case

    O.J Simpson Case
    Photo Cred. The case that had everyone tuned in. Did OJ do it or didn't he? The world will never know. OJ put himself in a bad situation and messed up his reputation of potentitally being the best NFL star mearly ever.
  • September 11th Attacks.

    September 11th Attacks.
    Photo Cred. The morning news shows were winding down on that Tuesday morning in September when reports came in to their control rooms: a plane had hit the World Trade Center.
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Photo Cred. On August 23rd of 2005, Families of new orleans lives would be changed forever. A storm that would take all of their memories, schools, and even families.