
Delaware colony

  • 1 BCE


    the counties later broke away form the colony of Delaware p161
  • 1600 minquas farm the susquehanna river valley

    1600 minquas farm the susquehanna river valley
    began to attack the vilages of the lenni lenape
  • 1609 henryhudson, an englishman sailed

    1609 henryhudson, an englishman sailed
    for the dutch east india company discovers delaware bay and river
  • 1610 captain Samuel argall an English sea captain

    1610 captain Samuel argall an English sea captain
    named the bay and river after lord DE la warr the governor of Virginia
  • 1632 settle at zwaanendael

    1632 settle at zwaanendael
    destroyed and all colonists killed in dispute with native americans
  • 1638 peter minuet leads a group of swedes to the Delaware and establishes

    1638 peter minuet leads a group of swedes to the Delaware and establishes
    fort Christina the first permanent settlement on the Delaware and the beginning of the new
    Sweden colony
  • 1639 the frist african on the delaware black anthony

    1639 the frist african on the delaware black anthony
    brought from the caribbean to fort Christina
  • 1640 the first lutheran minister in america

    1640 the first lutheran minister in america
    was the reverend reoccurs tortillas arrives at fort Christina
  • 1643 johan printz

    1643 johan printz
    becomes governor of the new Sweden colony
  • 1651 peter Stuyvesant dutch governor of new Netherland

    1651 peter Stuyvesant dutch governor of new Netherland
    builds fort casimir just a few miles south of fort christina on the delaware
  • 1654 the swedes capture fort Casimir

    1654 the swedes capture fort Casimir
    they renamed it fort trinity
  • 1655 the dutch defeat the swedes on the Delaware

    1655 the dutch defeat the swedes on the Delaware
    ending the new Sweden colony Delaware becomes a part of new Netherland
  • 1681 William penn was granted land from England

    1681 William penn was granted land from England
    that in included Delaware and established the colony of Pennsylvania
  • 1682 the duke of York transfers control of the Delaware colony

    1682 the duke of York transfers control of the Delaware colony
    to english Quaker William penn