
  • Delaware Bay is discovered

    Delaware Bay is discovered
    Henry Hudson was an Englishman who was sailing for the Dutch East India Company and discovered the Delaware Bay and River
  • Delaware Bay is Renamed

    Delaware Bay is Renamed
    Captain Samuel Argall named the bay and river after Lord De La Warr who was the governor of Virginia
  • Fort Casimir is built

    Fort Casimir is built
    Peter Stuyvesant who was a Dutch governor of New Netherland built Fort Casimir (now New Castle) just a few miles south of Fort Christina
  • Fort Casmir is taken over and renamed by the Swedes

    Fort Casmir is taken over and renamed by the Swedes
    Fort Casmir was captured by the Swedes and renamed Fort Trinity
  • Fort Trinity is taken over by the Dutch

    Fort Trinity is taken over by the Dutch
    The Dutch defeated the Swedes, ending the New Sweden Colony. Delaware later became a part of New Netherland
  • Pennsylvania is created

    Pennsylvania is created
    William Penn was granted land from England and established the colony of Pennsylvania
  • Delaware is given to William Penn

    Delaware is given to William Penn
    The Duke of York transfers control of the Delaware Colony to William Penn
  • Delaware becomes its own colony

    Delaware becomes its own colony
    Delaware's first assembly of the Three Lower Counties Upon Delaware, separate from Pennsylvania, meets at New Castle and makes Delaware its own colony
  • An increase in taxes for all the colonies

    An increase in taxes for all the colonies
    The French and Indian War ended in 1763 and Great Britain gained control of all land previously held by France. England payed for the war by increasing taxes on its American Colonies. Restrictions on the colonists eventually lead to a fight for independence from the crown
  • Delaware is represented at the Stamp Act Congress

    Delaware is represented at the Stamp Act Congress
    Caesar Rodney and Thomas McKean represented Delaware at the Stamp Act Congress in 1765
  • The Revolutionary War Begins

    The Revolutionary War Begins
    The American Revolutionary War started with the battles at Lexington and Concord and eventually lead to America gaining independence from Britain in 1776
  • America gains independence from Britain

    America gains independence from Britain
    Congress approved the final text of the Declaration of Independence. John Adams believed the date would be known as “the most memorable epocha in the history of America”
  • Delaware becomes the first state in the United States

    Delaware becomes the first state in the United States
    Delaware ratified the United States Constitution and became the 1st state in the United States on December 7th 1787
  • The United States elects its first president

    The United States elects its first president
    George Washington served as a general and commander-in-chief of the colonial armies during the American Revolution and later became the first president of the United States, serving from 1789 to 1797
  • First School Act is passed

    First School Act is passed
    Delaware Free School Act passes in legislature creating first public schools in the state which opened public schools
  • Civil War frees slaves in America

    Civil War frees slaves in America
    From 1861-1865 a war between the North and Southern parts of America were at war over whether or not to abolish slavery. The North fought to abolish slavery and the South fought to keep slavery and in the end slaves were freed.
  • Delaware votes against all races being equal

    Delaware votes against all races being equal
    The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution guaranteed equal protection for any race under the law. The Delaware legislature voted against the amendment
  • Delaware opens its first ocean resort

    Delaware opens its first ocean resort
    Delaware opened its first ocean resort at Rehoboth Beach in 1870
  • Delaware splits African American kids and white kids to different schools

    Delaware splits African American kids and white kids to different schools
    State legislature created separate schools with separate funding for white children and African American children so they wouldn't be around one another
  • Delaware opens a college for black students

    Delaware opens a college for black students
    State College for Colored Students chartered and is now Delaware State University
  • The Delaware Corporation Law is passed

    The Delaware Corporation Law is passed
    With time this law would make it easier for businesses to incorporate in Delaware than in other states
  • Delaware abolishes pillory

    Delaware abolishes pillory
    Delaware became the last state to abolish the use of the pillory. Pillory was a wooden framework with holes for the head and hands, in which an offender was imprisoned and exposed to public abuse. some people, even children, would throw rocks, tomatoes, anything they could throw
  • Delaware is given a large highway

    Delaware is given a large highway
    T. Coleman du Pont builds a highway running the length of the state of Delaware and gave it to State of Delaware
  • Delaware helps out in World War I

    Delaware helps out in World War I
    Almost 10,000 people from Delaware serve in World War I
  • Delaware gains control over the Delaware River

    Delaware gains control over the Delaware River
    United States Supreme Court confirmed Delaware's claim to control the Delaware River
  • World War II

    World War II
    30,000 Delaware men and women serve in armed forces in World War II where the Nazis in Germany were keeping Jews in concentraition camps and killing
  • Delaware is forced to end segregation

    Delaware is forced to end segregation
    Delaware Court of Chancery orders University of Delaware to end segregation
  • Delaware gets a new highway

    Delaware gets a new highway
    President John F. Kennedy opens Delaware Turnpike (Interstate 95; now John F. Kennedy Memorial Highway) completing a non-stop highway between Boston and Washington D.C. This was one of Kennedy's last public appearances
  • A baseball player from Delaware is elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame

     A baseball player from Delaware is elected into the National Baseball Hall of Fame
    William Johnson, a former Negro League baseball player, becomes Delaware's first player elected to the National Baseball Hall of Fame
  • A football player from Delaware is chosen in the first round of the draft

    A football player from Delaware is chosen in the first round of the draft
    Joe Flacco became first player in Delaware football history to be selected in the 1st round of NFL draft