Delaware Colony History

  • Origin of the State-named after Delaware River

  • Henry Hudson was the founder of Delaware Bay and River

    Henry Hudson was the founder of Delaware Bay and River
  • Dutch founded the first European settlement in Delaware.

    Dutch founded the first European settlement in Delaware.
    1631-Dutch founded the first European settlement in Delaware.
  • Swedish settlement was led by Peter Minuet

    Swedish settlement was led by Peter Minuet
    1638-Swedish settlement was led by Peter Minuet who started the New Sweden colony
  • William Penn recives land grant to Pennsylvania

    William Penn recives land grant to Pennsylvania
    1681-William Penn revises land grant to Pennsylvania
  • Holy Trinity Church in Delaware was built.

    Holy Trinity Church in Delaware was built.
  • United States Declaration of Independence

    United States Declaration of Independence
  • Delaware was the first state to become part of the union

    Delaware was the first state to become part of the union
  • Dover is the present day capital of Delaware

    Dover is the present day capital of Delaware