Period: to
Definition of Charity
Industry Commission Report on Charitable Organizations
Raised issue of appropriate meaning of the term charitable institution. Following this report, the Industry Commission undertook study in an attempt to define "charitable institution". -
Howard Government Elected
Charities Definition Inquiry
Recommended statutory definition including inclusive list of charitable purposes. -
Board of Taxation, Consultation on the Definition of a Charity
Considered Charities Bill definition and proposed minor changes -
Consultation on Charities Bill
Bill dies because of overwhelming opposition to the limits on advocacy. Instead, the government introduces legislation to expand the definition of charity to include 3 new purposes: -
Extension of Charitable Purpose Act
This legislation was enacted following a further inquiry by the Board of Taxation into the Charities Bill 2003. It is legislation intended to remedy specific defects in the common law definition of charities. -
Rudd Government
Senate Economics Legislation Committee
Reported on idea of public benefit test. -
Gillard Assumes leadership
Aid/Watch Decision
Considered that generating public debate in respect of the first three heads of charity, at least, was potentially for the public benefit, and therefore fell within the fourth head of charity. -
Not For Profit Sector Freedom to Advocate Act 2013
Charities Act 2013
Statutory Definition of Charity. Also created the ACNC. -
Abbott Government Elected