CWD and deer health
There is a focus on new CWD or otherwise known as Chronic Wasting Disease outbreaks.
This is something to become aware and familiar with.
Counties in which have taken part in research with CWD include: 2012 Waukesha Co., Juneau Co., and Adams Co.
2013 Dodge Co. continued testing, adding Vernon, Grant and Crawford Counties Learn About CWD : Overview -
Manage CWD
"Fatal prions have been found in 22 states & 2 Canadian Provinces" Chronic Wasting Disease Best Management Practices – Kate Witkowski, WDNR said.
A few counties where CWD positives were found in Wisconsin include: Counties: Adams 2, Juneau 1, Portage 4, Washburn 1,
Grant 8 & Waukesha 2.
There has been an increase in CWD prevalence with more in adult bucks
Discussed were ways to best manage and maintain the spread of Chronic wasting disease. -
Ban baiting and feeding of deer from Sept. 1 - end of hunting season.
Ban baiting and feeding of deer from Sept. 1 - end of hunting season.
There is a hold up of public resources on private land by baiting deer.
"Sabota felt feeding and baiting must be split in order to handle the
situation. "
There are proven feelings that deer hunting has become more fun since the baiting has had restrictions set on it. -
Specific Deer Tag rules
Changes from 2014 to 2015 regarding antler tags and specific regions have changed. A motion was made by Larry Bonde with second by Jay Koenig requesting the DNR Department make 2015
tags public & specific land specific in each county. This motion passed with one opposition. -
Meeting concerns
The next meeting will take place March 21, 2015. Public concerns and questions will be addressed and discussed along with other issues regarding the deer population.
When discussing these concerns a new timeline will be sent out for public eye.