Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

  • Wellhead Blowout

    Wellhead Blowout
  • NOAA is notified by Coast Guard

    NOAA is notified by Coast Guard
  • Preassessment Starts

    Preassessment Starts
  • Drilling Rig Sinks

    Drilling Rig Sinks
  • Start of Aerial Dispersant

    Start of Aerial Dispersant
  • Controlled Burns Begin

    Controlled Burns Begin
  • Fishery Closures

    Fishery Closures
  • SCAT Program Begins

    SCAT Program Begins
  • Drilling of Relief Wells

    Drilling of Relief Wells
  • Containment Domes

    Containment Domes
  • Oil Siphoning Begins

    Oil Siphoning Begins
  • National Commission Created

    National Commission Created
  • Top Kill Attempt

    Top Kill Attempt
  • 6-Month Prohibition on Drilling in Gulf

    6-Month Prohibition on Drilling in Gulf
  • LMRP Cap Containment Attempt

    LMRP Cap Containment Attempt
  • Common Operational Picture Released

    Common Operational Picture Released
  • Tarballs Reach Shores in all 5 Gulf States

    Tarballs Reach Shores in all 5 Gulf States
  • Capping Stack Stops Leak

    Capping Stack Stops Leak
  • Static Kill Process Starts

    Static Kill Process Starts
  • Well Sealed with Cement

    Well Sealed with Cement