
Declaration of Independence

By ginnyhf
  • Join or Die cartoon

    Join or Die cartoon
    Benjamin Franklin published a cartoon depicting a snake that had been cut into 8 pieces. The cartoon stated that anyone needed to join the colonies. This is important because it was also used later on in wars and was used along with an article about a recent military loss. Link text
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    Colonists disguised as Native Americans board 3 ships containing tea at the Boston Harbor, and manage to throw 1.7 million dollars worth of modern-day currency into the ocean. This is important because the goods came from England and people throwing them out wanted separation from it and the Tea Act. "Over one hundred American colonists dressed as Native Americans [...] dumped 342 chests of tea" Link text
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    A battle takes place on King St. between locals and soldiers. Three locals are dead by the end and Paul Revere made an engraving of the "Bloody Massacre" by the end of March. This is crucial because it was one of the first fights leading up to the writing of the Declaration."[...] unordered shots rang out, and [...] three locals lay dead and [...] eight were wounded, two mortally." [Link text](]
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense" stating that the motherland was only doing things for their own good. This is important because very soon the Declaration would be written and include points from this writing. Link text
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence is signed. Link text