Ufp emblem

Declans federation time line

  • Captain Author Philip received commissions for the establishment and goverment of colony of New South Whales.

    Captain Author Philip received commissions for the establishment and goverment of colony of New South Whales.
    Captain Author Philip received commissions for the establishment and goverment of colony of New South Wales.
  • Captain Author Philip took possesion of Australia in the name of sovereign

    Captain Author Philip took possesion of Australia in the name of sovereign
  • Van Deimens land settled from New South Whales.

    Van Deimens land settled from New South Whales.
  • Tenterfeild adress of Sir Henry Parks, where he spoke of creating a great nation goverment of all Australia.

    Tenterfeild adress of Sir Henry Parks, where he spoke of creating a great nation goverment of all Australia.
  • First federal election held acording to state elctrial laws.

    First federal election held acording to state elctrial laws.
  • Govener-General

    Lord Hopetoun is appointed first Governer-General of Australia.
  • Inauguration of the commenweath of Australia.

    Inauguration of the commenweath of Australia.
  • Edmund Barton

    Edmund Barton
    The commenwealth of Australia is proclaimed in Centennial Park, Sydney. Edmund Barton is swarn in as the first priminister.
  • Queen Victoria dies.

    Queen Victoria dies.
    Queen Victoria dies and is succeeded By Edward V11.
  • Commenwealth Goverment takes control.

    Commenwealth Goverment takes control.
    The Commenwealth Goverment takes control of a wide range of functions formaly exercised by the colonies, including milartary forces, postal and customs depatments and imigration. The commenwealth constitution powers include the power to leglislate about trade with other countries and among the states; taxatation, customs and exicise; defence; banking; currency and coins; weights and mearsures; postal, telographic and telephonic services; railways; constiliation and arbitration and more.
  • Australian Flag

    Australian Flag
    Australias new national flag is flown for the first time. There were 32,823 entries in the compitition for its design.
  • The Queen was created Queen of Australia.

    The Queen was created Queen of Australia.
  • constitutional convention held to descuss issues about whether Australia should become a republic.

    constitutional convention held to descuss issues about whether Australia should become a republic.
  • Comenwealth Parliment

    Comenwealth Parliment
    All states pasted uniform request leglislation to allow the commenwealth parliment to amend s.7 of the Australian act 1986. This request leglislation would not commense unless the 6 november referedum were succssesfull. The abdement of s.7 was nessersery to facilitate the establishment of republics at the state level.
  • Govener-General

    Resignation of Governer-General Hollingworth: After earnest reflecion I consider that for me to continue could result in damage being done to the office of Govener-General.