Period: 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE
Early beginnings
3900 BCE
Disease caused by?
Evil spirits -
3600 BCE
Treatments for sick?
-Exorcisms to remove evil spirits
-Trephining, where the doctor would remove part of the cranium to exorcise demons
-Would also use different types of medicine -
3100 BCE
Medicines used today?
-Digitalis, used to treat heart conditions, comes from foxglove plant.
-Quinine, controls fever, relieves muscle spasms, and helps prevent malaria, comes from the bark of a cinchona tree
-Belladona and Atropine, would relieve muscle spasms, especially pain in the digestive tract (GI), made from poisonous nightshade plant.
-Morphine, treated severe pain, made from opium poppy -
Period: 2999 BCE to 399
Ancient times
2900 BCE
Ancient Egyptians
-They were the first people to keep accurate health records, able to identify diseases by doing so.
-The priests acted as physicians
-They used medicine to heal disease, would splint fractures, and would treat disorders by bloodletting with leeches -
1900 BCE
Ancient Chinese
-Were the first to use acupuncture therapies, used a variety of stone tools to treat many diseases and illnesses. -
990 BCE
Ancient Greeks
-believed that illnesses may have natural causes rather than spiritual causes, they determined this by being the first to study causes of diseases.
-Religious customs did not allow dissection
-Hippocrates used his knowledge of anatomy based on the observation of the external body, he found that disease wasn’t cause by supernatural forces. Hippocrates also wrote the oath of Hippocrates which is a oath that physicians still take. -
Ancient Romans
-Built sanitation systems, consisting of waterways to bring clean water and sewers to get rid of filth.
-First to organize medical care, sent medical supplies and physicians to care for wounded soldiers.
-Public buildings for the care of the sick were built, with physicians paid by the government -
Period: 400 to 800
Dark age
Why did they stop the study of medicine.
-The church believe life and death was chosen by god, the priests and monks had no interest in learning Medicine because of this. -
How did they treat disease?
The main treatment of illness was prayer, along with medication that consisted of herbal mixtures. They did not seek cures. -
Period: 800 to 1400
Middle Ages
There were multiple epidemics during this time, the most devastating being the bubonic plague. Other epidemics were caused by smallpox, tuberculosis, syphilis, diphtheria. -
Period: 1350 to
-Renaissance was the time of bringing back old cultures of Ancient Greek and Romans. This included their emphasis on the study of medicine. They built universities and medical schools. Accepted dissection to learn more about the body. The printing press and publishing of books allowed many to have great access to knowledge. -
Period: 1501 to
16th and 17th centuries
Leonardo da Vinci
Studied and recorded anatomy of the body. -
Gabriele Fallopius
-Discovered the fallopian tubes in the female reproductive system. -
Bartolommeo Eustachio
-Discovered the tube leading from the ear to the nasal cavity (Eustachian tube) -
William Harvey
-Physiology, Circulation of blood and pumping of the heart. -
Antoine von Leeuwenhoek
-Invented the microscope, life is smaller than the eye can see. He also found that bacteria on the teeth cause tooth decay and gum disease. -
-People in medieval England who engaged in trade of drugs and spices from the east. -
Period: to
18th century
Benjamin franklin
-Found that colds are contagious, invented the bifocal (eyeglasses). -
Medical students learning
Would attend lectures but also observe patients by the bedside. When patients would die, they would dissect the body and get a better observation of the disease process. This led to a better understanding of disease and illness. -
Joseph priestly
-Discovered the element oxygen, plants refresh air that has lost oxygen. -
Edward Jenner
-Discovered the vaccine for smallpox, saved millions of lives. Led to immunization and preventative medicine. -
Rene Laennec
-Invented the stethoscope, able to hear the hear and lungs to determine if disease was present. -
Period: to
19th and 20th centuries
Ignaz Sammelweis
-Identified the cause of puerperal fever, which was due to the fact that the physicians didn’t wash their hands or change their aprons and were infecting the women who were delivering. -
Florence Nightengale
Took a group of women to care for soldiers during war, a great idol as for her dedication to nursing -
Louis Pasteur
-Discovered that tiny microorganisms were everywhere and that they caused disease. Also discovered that heating milk prevented growth o bacteria -
Dimitri Ivanovski
Discovered some diseases caused by microorganisms called viruses. They are called: poliomyelitis, rabies, measles, influenza, chicken pox, German measles, herpes zoster, mumps. -
Joseph Lister
-used carbonic acid on wounds to kill germs, used antiseptic during surgery to prevent infection. -
Ernst von Bergmann
Developed asepsis, which was a way to keep an area germ free before and during surgery. -
Robert Koch
-Discovered many diseases caused causing organisms, developed the culture plate method to identify pathogens and bacterium that causes tuberculosis. -
Paul Ehrlich
-discovered the effect of medicine on disease-causing microorganisms, brought upon the use of chemicals to fight diseases. -
Wilhelm Roentgen
discovered X-Rays, allowed doctors discover what was wrong with a patient from inside the body. -
-Has the ability to put people in a deep sleep so that they do feel pain during surgery. -
Sir Alexander Fleming
-found that penicillin killed life-threatening bacteria -
Sigmund Freud
-discovered conscious and unconscious parts of the mind, determined mind and body work together. Led to understanding of physical illness caused by emotional conflict -
Gerhard Domagk
-discovered sulfonamide compounds which were the first medications effective in killing bacteria. -
Jonas Salk
-discovered a dead polio virus that would bring immunity to poliomyelitis. Saved many from death and crippling. -
Albert Sabin
-made a live polio virus vaccine, which was much more effective and is used today -
Francis Crick and James Watson
Discovered the molecular structure of DNA and how hereditary info is coded onto it. -
Christian Barnard
Performed the first successful heart transplant -
Ben Carson
-successful in separating Siamese twins and performing surgeries on the brain to prevent seizures -
5 important advancements
-The ability to transplant organs from a donor to recipient
-The use of telemedicine to export important info to others about patients
-The ability to reattach body parts
-The possibility of eliminating disease through genetic research
-The advancement of caring for new born fetuses -
Period: to
21st century