Expo Begins!
The class was broken up into four groups: Engineering, experimental, outreach, and communications. Afterwards, all of the groups conducted some research. At the close of class, there was a vote held to decide on our topic. The class decided to focus on building a habitat that helps neutralize the acidity and reduce the amount of carbon in the water. -
Day 2 of Expo
All of the groups assigned their members tasks to complete and researched to find more information on our topic. Today the class voted on the project name and we decided on Live a Little Limestone. -
Expo Day 3
The Engineering group developed an experimental design for our project. The Experimental group started working on designing an experiment,gathering materials, and started conducting the experiment. The Outreach/booth group proposed to the change the name from Live a Little Limestone to Decarbonate Fish Estate.The Communication group is maintaining out many social network sites and taking pictures. The class accepted the name change. -
Expo Day 4
Engineering has finalized the design of the habitat. Experimental is continuing their experiment with the three different water types and see how the P.H changes. Outreach/booth is cleaning a tank that is suitable for animals to live in and researching how long it takes for limestone to affect water P.H. And, other members are designing the layout for the booth. A Communications group member continues to take pictures of each group's progress. -
Expo Day 5
Engineering group members started practicing chiseling limestone for the habitat. Experiment group members are modifying their original experiment and putting the samples in airtight containers.They cleaned a fish tank that would house our habitat. Outreach members are finding creative ways to present the project.Communication group members are updating out websites and keeping our blog updated with current progress. -
Expo Day 6
The communication group is working on the long-term video, and clips for the short-term introduction video. The engineering group is working on final decisions for the structuring of the dome. The outreach booth is constructing a presentation to show to the group of Expo as a whole. The experiment group is working on testing of different kinds of limestone. -
Expo Day 7
Kailey and Mike collected data from the experiment. The Outreach group gathered more materials to use for their posters. Sara, Alex, Naomi,and India painted more of their posters.Communications: Emma worked on getting more footage for our long term video to put on our website. Lynsey is continuing to work on the timeline with the photos. Zach, Ben, and Noah are working on creating a logo. -
Expo Day 8
Engineering: Megan is researching different ways to carve limestone, since the group's drill isn't helping. Other members are continuing to try and carve the prototype.
Experimental: Members are modifying their experiment by adding balloons to the experiment.Outreach: Members are working on writing a script for the presentation. All of the students made a thumb-print fish for our poster.Communications: Aiden is taking pictures &videos to add our website. Lynsey is updating the timeline & blog. -
Expo Day 9
Engineering is contuinuing to work on drilling the limestone. Experimental is continuing to work to running their experiment and recording data. Outreach is finalizing the flyer and continuing to work on the designing the booth.Christina is working on designing a tee shirt for our group. And communications is taking pictures and updating the blog. Dalton is still working on producing the video game. -
Expo Day 10
Engineering: Dylan and Alex are drilling and carving holes into the limestone.Experimental: Mike, Kailey, and Kayla are continuing on running the experiment.Outreach: Some members are putting rocks in the tank and other members are trying to figure out how to present the logo in the booth.Communications: Lynsey and Aiden are taking pictures. Other members are working on the website, social media sites, and the game. The blog and timeline are still being updated. -
Expo Day 11
The engineering group members, Dylan and Alex are continuing to drill holes into the limestone. Other members are working on adding an algae to the prototype.The experimental group is continuing to gather data.Plus the outreach group members have been assigned items to buy for the booth and printing the timeline and the pictures. And communications group members are working on the website. Emma,Ben, and Zach, are taking pictures and Lynsey is updating the blog and timeline.