Period: to
The Decade of Change
Brown v. Board of Education
A african american girl wanted to attend an all white school that was just across her neighborhood. She was not allowed so her parents sued the school or discrimnation. It went all the way to the supreme court. The courts decision was "African americans and whites violated the constitution gauarantee of equal protection of the law. -
Geneva Conference
It eas to work out a peace agreement and arrange for indochinas future. It was for vietnam to control the nothern part with vietminh. rojects/uschina/archive/fullsize/geneva-conference_12ff97788f_6995c64774.jpg -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks was arrested for not giving up her seat to a white man. Martian Luther King led a bus boycott that no african american would take the bus. They did it for over a year and won the right to sit on the bus where ever they want. -
Little Rock Crisis
Nine African american students wanted to go to a white school. The arkansa governor would not allow them to go. The president of the united states had to send the military to allow the students to go to the shcool. They were harassed the whole school year. -
A Civil War
South vietnam were in open revolt. Their goal was to overthrow Diem's regime. The communist leaders in north vietnam began supplying weapons to vietminh rebels.
http://asia.isp.msu.edu/wbwoa/southeast_asia/vietnam/history.png -
Sit-In Movement
Four college students in Greensboro Naoth carolina began a sit in of their own. THey were denied service because of their race. The next day they returned with more students. They soon all started getting arrested. -
Kennedy Becomes President
On January 20th 1961 John F, Kennedy becomes president of the united states. This changed the view of the future of america towards americans because he was a young and youthful president. They felt new change was going to happen. -
The Bay of Pigs Invasion
It started when castro came into power over cuba. Congress wanted to invade cuba because they beleived that an invasion of cuba would inspired its people to rise up against castro. -
Space Program
Kennedy made a bold propsal to congress to restore america's world prestige. The president asked congress to fun the unmanned exploration of space. -
Berlin Crisis
This is when the soviets but up the berlin wall. The soviets did not want people on the east side of berlin to go to the west side because the west was free and the east side was under communist control. The US wanted to help because they felt that if they didnt it would cause a WWIII. -
Baker v. Carr
The Court declared that this situation denied urban voters to equal protection of the law required by the 14th amendment. -
Birmingham Campaign
Martian Luther King began a sit in in birmingham Alabama. King was arrested. he gained faim from his "Letter From Birmingham Jail". Soon more than 900 people were arrested and jailed http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyjoh4kda21qid7hdo1_400.jpg -
March on Washington
More than 200,000 people of all races covered national mall. Martian Luther King led it and gave his famous " I Have A Dream" speech next to the lincoln memorial. -
Kennedy's Assassination
John Kennedy flew into Dallas Texas to run a capaign for the next presidental election. As he was driving down Dallas he was shot twice in the chest and then a fatal shot in the head. He died that day. -
Johnson Becomes President
Lyndon Johnson became president adn declared oath on the way back home to washington D.C. He had to take over kennedys agenda as the nation was in deep sorrow because of the untimly death of John F. Kennedy.
http://www.classroomhelp.com/lessons/Presidents/presimages/johnson_oath.jpg -
Election on 1964
Johnson ran for president. He had a goal of a Great soceity.Won the presidental election easily and his vice president was Hubert Humprey.
http://www.vahistorical.org/presidential/1964_IL.2012.2.40.4.jpg -
Crisis in Mississippi
200 volenture workers arrived in mississipi. The next day one worker went missing. He was later found killed by KKK members. They were charged with killing a civil rights worker.
http://ionenewsone.files.wordpress.com/2009/06/schwerner-goodman-chaney1.jpg -
Johnsons War On Poverty
He felt obligated to fix the poor places in the nation.The Medicare program was established and it helped the veterns and the elderly
http://www.dailyyonder.com/files/u2/LBJ-and-Fletcher520.jpg -
Tokin Gulf Resolution
The resolution enabled the president to take all mecessary measures to repel any armed attack against forces of the united states. Johnson and his advisers now had authority to expand the war.
http://www.awesomestories.com/images/user/52d19d255c.gif -
Selma March
600 african americans began a 54 mile march. Martian Luther King led the group only to the base of the bridge. MArchers reached montgomery on March 25th.
http://www.history.com/images/topic/content/mlk-1965-selma-montgomery-march.jpg -
Operation Rolling Thunder
It was a bomding campaign over North Vietnam. He wanted to weaken the enemys ability and will to fight. He also wanted to assure south vietnam of his commitment to its independence.
http://62879349.nhd.weebly.com/uploads/6/3/4/5/6345833/1873364.jpg -
Anti War Movement
A group called the students for a democratic society led the first national anti war demonstration. More than 20,000 poeple marched to the capitol of washington D.C. where they delivered a petition to congress demanding the lawmakers "act immediately to end the war" http://dodona777.files.wordpress.com/2012/11/sds-markrudd.jpg -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
It was a law proved to be one of the most important pieces of civil right legislation ever passed.
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-HCDSYysJ6pA/T0gyl0P77TI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/JZZK0U7hG0s/s400/voting+rights+act.jpg -
National Organization for Women
This womens rights organization fought gender discrimination in the workplace,schools,and justic system.It also worked to end violence against women and to achieve abortion rights.
http://www.sjsapush.com/resources/Rubin04.jpg -
Black Power
It was an african american dependence on themselves to solve problems. It was to have african americans to form their own seperate political organizations.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c8/Carlos-Smith.jpg/220px-Carlos-Smith.jpg -
Black Panthers
They calle dfor violent revolution as a means of african american liberation. They carried guns and monitored african american neighborhodds to gaurd police brutality.
http://www.innermichael.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Panther-power1.jpg -
Mexican American Youth Organization
They wanted to achieve economic independence for for mexican americans to gain local control over the education of hispanic children. To achieve power for latinos through the creation of a third politcal party.
http://cc.pbsstatic.com/l/74/5574/9780292755574.jpg -
Brown Berets
They began their activism by protesting against police brutality in east los angles. They soon began fighting for bilingual education , better school conditions, chicano , and more chicano teachers.
http://www.fightbacknews.org/sites/default/files/300_walkout.jpg -
Tet offensive
It was a series of massive coordinated attacks through south vietnam. It caused 1968 to become a critical year in the vietnam war.
http://m5.i.pbase.com/o6/90/668790/1/119747615.uVoLTO0U.WOUNDEDMP2pb.gif -
My Lai massacre
U.S. troops under the command of lieutenant willam calley had entered a village of My Lai on a search and destroy misssion to find the Vietcong fighters. None were found, soldiers killed at least 450 women, children, and elderly men.
http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/learning_history/vietnam/my_lai_woman_gray.jpg -
King's Assassination
Martian Luther King was shot at the motel balcony he was staying in. It enraged african americans across the nation. http://www.truthmove.org/workspace/photos-content/mlk_jr_slaying.jpg -
Civil Rights Act of 1968
Johnson signed the civil rights acto fo 1968 a week after martian luther king was shot. It was also called the Fair Housing Act. The law banned discrimination in the sale or rental of housing.
http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/odyssey/archive/09/0912001t.gif -
Poor Peoples Campaign
Thousands of protesters came to the nations capital to be part of the poor peoples campaign.It was led by Kings successor Ralph Abernathy.
http://griid.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/poor-peoples-campaign.jpg -
Election of 1968
Johnsons vice president ran against richiard nixon in the election. Nixons appeal was his "Peace with Honor" for vietnam. Nixon won the eelection fo 1968 and became president of the united states.
http://turningpoints.wikispaces.com/file/view/nixon.gif/30664445/nixon.gif -
It is a music fest that hippies would attend. There were about 400,000 people who attened this music fest.It was a celebration of an era, and marked the high point of the counterculture movement.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/b/b7/Woodstock_poster.jpg/250px-Woodstock_poster.jpg -
The Draft
When the war went on the goverment started the draft. That led to many americans to flee the country to not go to war. It was such a big part in the vietnam war.
http://depts.washington.edu/antiwar/images/vietnam/agitator_200.jpg -
Court ordered Busing
To spread integration they ordered buses to pick up kids from other neighborhoods and make them go to a diffrent school.
http://www.photoeditinc.com/pressbox/images/segregatedbusing.jpg -
Freedom of Speech Movement
They freedom of speecho movement started when 800 college students were arrested for protesting the war. They wanted to left alone and let them live their own way and have their own speech.
http://peripateticbone.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/dove-1.jpg -
Campus Violence
At kent state university a group of protest studnts gathered in a grassy area on campus for an anti war rally. Students were throwing rocks and shouting and soldiers. Several soldiers began to fire into the crowd. Foru students were killed and nine other injuryed. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/6/65/Kent_State_massacre.jpg/220px-Kent_State_massacre.jpg -
La Raza Unida
The name means the united people. The party campaigned for bilingual education , improved public services , education for children of migrant workers , and an end to job discrimination.
http://www.latinopov.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/0117.1970_La-Raza-Unida.jpg -
They were a new group of college students that protested against war and having government having control over everything. They wanted peace and love that was their goal.
https://msjeannieology.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/hippy-bus.jpg -
Election on 1972
Republican Richard nixon was running for president for a second term in office. He gave a speech about the vietnam war that "peace is close at hand". Nixon won the election in a landslide.
http://cdn.historycommons.org/images/events/a999nixonbutton_2050081722-20608.jpg -
American Indian Movement
It took its most dramatic action on the pine ridge reservation in wounded knee, south dakota. http://www.banderasnews.com/0610/images/cclegacy.jpg -
Roe vs. Wade
It was a supreme court case that state laws banned abortion. This decision sparkd a debat that still continues to this day.
http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-BuSRqMeYuYQ/UQapY87LBcI/AAAAAAAAAj4/Vd_XTmMuIQE/s1600/roe_4.gif -
War Powers Act
This is a law passed to reaffirms congress constitutional right to declare war. It sets a 60 day limit on the presidential commitment of U.S. troops to foreign conflicts without a specific authorization by congress or a declaration of war.