Debt Crisis

  • It was not until recently that Greece was known for something other than its classical civilisation, contribution to ancient science and philosophy

    It was not until recently that Greece was known for something other than its classical civilisation, contribution to ancient science and philosophy
    The European debt crisis is a crisis affecting several eurozone countries since the end of 2009. Member states affected by this crisis were unable to repay their government debt or to bailout indebted financial institutions without the assistance of third-parties (namely the International Monetary Fund, European Commission, and the European Central Bank).The causes of the crisis included high-risk lending and borrowing practices, burst real estate bubbles, and hefty deficit spending.
  • European Sovereign Debt Crisis By Greg Hunter's

    European Sovereign Debt Crisis By Greg Hunter's
    Debt crisis is the general term for a proliferation of massive public debt relative to tax revenues, especially in reference to Latin American countries during the 1980s, and the United States and the European Union since the mid-2000s. As well as the Chinese debt crises of 2015
  • amnesia regarding the source of sovereign debt among European nations like Greece

    amnesia regarding the source of sovereign debt among European nations like Greece
    The European debt crisis (often also referred to as the Eurozone crisis or the European sovereign debt crisis) is a multi-year debt crisis that has been taking place in the European Union since the end of 2009.
  • Obama talks with German leader on Greek debt crisis

    Obama talks with German leader on Greek debt crisis
    The detailed causes of the debt crisis varied. In several countries, private debts arising from a property bubble were transferred to sovereign debt as a result of banking system bailouts and government responses to slowing economies post-bubble.
  • debt crisis

    debt crisis
    The causes of the crisis included high-risk lending and borrowing practices, burst real estate bubbles, and hefty deficit spending. As a result, investors have reduced their exposure to European investment products, and the value of the Euro has decreased
  • student debt Student loans present a barrier for entering a number of professional fields.

    student debt Student loans present a barrier for entering a number of professional fields.
    leading European nations implemented a series of financial support measures such as the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) and European Stability Mechanism (ESM). The ECB also contributed to solve the crisis by lowering interest rates and providing cheap loans of more than one trillion euro in order to maintain money flows between European banks
  • Greek debt crisis: IMF says extra 50bn euros still needed

    Greek debt crisis: IMF says extra 50bn euros still needed
    Since Greece’s debt crisis began in 2010, most international banks and foreign investors have sold their Greek bonds and other holdings, so they are no longer vulnerable to what happens in Greece. (Some private investors who subsequently plowed back into Greek bonds, betting on a comeback, regret that decision.)
  • remains on the

    remains on the
    program of economic policy reform 1991 has since been put in place which has yielded very satisfactory results so far. While much still remains on the unfinished reform agenda, the prospect program of economic policy reform 1991 has since been put in place which has yielded very satisfactory results so far. While much still remains on the unfinished reform agenda, the prospects of macro stability and growth are indeed encouraging.wth are indeed encouraging.
  • Greek Australians feel heat of Greece debt crisis Greeks living in Australia

    Greek Australians feel heat of Greece debt crisis Greeks living in Australia
    As a result, investors have reduced their exposure to European investment products, and the value of the Euro has decreased.