Debs Time Line

By debs
  • Early Emergent reading

    Early Emergent reading
    Being read to! I was too young to have a favorite book!
  • Picture Books

    Picture Books
    Loved holding books and "reading" them to anyone that would listen!
  • 2-3 years

    2-3 years
    Began having an interest in holding the books and turning the pages while my mom read mostly Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales.
  • Dr. Suess

    Dr. Suess
    I can read! Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat
  • K-1st grade

    K-1st grade
    Loved going to the reading groups and trips to the school library! My favorite books were Dr. Suess!
  • 2nd Grade

    2nd Grade
    My favorite books were The Little House on the Prairie books. I got the whole set for Christmas!
  • 2nd-3rd grade

    2nd-3rd grade
    I began to read mystery books. My favorites were The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries
  • Reading Assignments

    Poetry was not my favorite!
  • 5th and 6th grade

    5th and 6th grade
    Chapter Books that were more adult were my favorites.....somewhere along the line I remember reading Flowers in the Attic, Petals in the Wind and one other that were a part of a series.
  • Young Miss

    I enjoyed haveing all the young teen magazines. I really don't recall the names now but I'm certain some are still around.
  • Trips to the library!

    My favorite thing to do!
  • Important People

    My mom was probably the initial person that encouraged me to read. I was also encouraged by teachers because I was put in the advanced reading groups at school. I loved the adventures in reading! Still do!

    Still love to read especially for entertainment! I like to choose books that come in a series.
  • Children's Books again!

    Children's Books again!
    One of the first things I did when my children were born is join a book club for each of them!
  • My son's favorites

    Big Max books
  • My daughter's favorite

    The Last Puppy
  • Reading to classrooms

    Reading to classrooms
    I really enjoyed reading stories to my preschool classes!
  • Jackson's Favorite

    Jackson's Favorite
    Monkey's Jumping on the Bed
    This is my grandson's favorite book. I do believe that we have read it at least 50 times!
  • Christian Romance

    My latest craze is reading Christian Romance stories that took place "back in the day".
  • Advid reader to this day!

    My husband often laughs at me because I get so into a book that I will talk to the characters, comment out loud when something happens and even cry.....reading is my escape and my release!
  • Thinking back

    I remember my mom saying that I was always reading something. If I ran out of books I would read the dictionary or telephone book!
  • 1968

    I remember always wanting to go to the library at school or the public library. I used to have to clean my brother's room if he took me to the library.