Deakin Island

  • Matthew Flinders Portrait

    Matthew Flinders Portrait
    Who: Portrait of Matthew Flinders painted by Toussaint Antoine de Chazal de Chamere.
    Why: Matthew Flinders discovered Deakin Island so as sign of respect a replica of his portrait is kept in the time capsule.
  • Traditional Clothing

    Traditional Clothing
    Why: This was the traditional clothing of Deakin Island women during the mid 1800's. They were all made to dress the same and cover themselves as they had no rights.
  • Early sketch of Deakin Island

    Early sketch of Deakin Island
    Who: John Skinner Prout (artist)
    Where: Deakin Island
    Why: This is one of the earliest artworks known of Deakin Island.
  • Refrigerator

    Who: Jame Harrison
    Where: Coastline of Deakin Island
    Why: A resident of Deakin Island, James Harrison invented the refrigerator here.
  • Akubra

    Who: Benjamin Dunkerley
    Why: Dinkerley travelled to Deakin Island from England and noticed a need for sun protection for residents and began handmakig hats before having a machine shipped over.
  • Ned Kelly's Jeriliderie Letter

    Ned Kelly's Jeriliderie Letter
    Who: Ned Kelly dicatated to Joe Byrne
    Where: Jerilderie
    Why: This was found by a resident of Deakin Island. They placed it in the time capsule so it would stay preserved and they wouldnt get into trouble with the police for stealing it.
  • Transport

    What: Woodern Boat
    Why: This was the main transport for locals on Deakin Island due to the steep mountain on the island. Residents of Deakin Island found it more practical to get around by boat.
  • Lamington

    Why: The lamington was first created on Deakin Island. It is the traditional dessert of Deakin Island
  • Immigration Restriction Act 1901

    Immigration Restriction Act 1901
    Who: Francis Cotton
    Where: Federal Parliment
    Why: It was made so that any person who migrated to Australia had to take a 'dictation test' in any Europeon Language. This is something that Deakin Island offered and was the last part of Australia to rid this act in the way it was originally presented.
  • Australian Shiling

    Australian Shiling
    What: First Australian shiling
    Who: Designers: Reverse side(coat of arms) W. H. J. Blackmore and Obverse side W. De Saules.
    Where: Royal Mint in London.
    It was placed in the time capsule because it was the current currency of when the time capsule was created.
  • The Great war and the German Communities

    The Great war and the German Communities
    Who: Britain, Germany and Australia
    Where: Australia
    Why: It is a reminder to the local area of Austrlia's past and how it has shaped the nation we are today.
  • Donald Bradman Bat

    Who: Donald Bradman
    What: First Test Cricket Bat
    Where: Adelaide
    Why: Deakin Island purchased Donald Bradman's first test cricket bat at auction as a sign of respect as he spent part of his life on deakin Island teaching the locals how to play cricket. It is now located in the town museum for members of the community and visitors to view.