The day of Elisabeth Zinser's nomination the students at Gallaudet began the protest. They were told Elisabeth was educated and would make an amazing school leader. But she did not meet the expectations of the students. They wanted a deaf president for their school. Elisabeth was not deaf and did not sign. This upset the students. They had the right to take action and a responibility to take action and defend deaf culture. Deaf people's rights had been taken advantage of for too long. -
For protest students began to lock down the school so no one could get in. They put buses in front of the gates and deflated car tires so the vehichles would not be moved. The students of Gallaudet University had a list of demands they put forth. 1. Zinser must resign and a deaf president selected, 2. Spilman must resign from the Board, 3. The percentage of deaf members on the Board of Trustees must be increased to at least 51%, 4. There must be no reprisals against any of the protesters -
The students continued to protest. There were four students that had led the protest and they were Bridgetta Bourne, Greg Hlibok, Jerry Covell and Tim Rarus. As student leaders they had much resposibility to take forth in this protest. But they would not stand down on fair rights for their culture, That had been happening for too long and they had enough courage and responsibiliy to end such and unhealthy cycle. -
Elisabeth Zinser came to Washington D.C. thinking that if she arrived early she would be able to put a stop to the protest. She, Dr. I King Jordan, and the four student leaders met at a hotel for a personal meeting together. King Jordan let it be known he was in full support of Zinser. The four student leaders tried to convince Zinser to step down. But she refused. The students continued to use their rights to protest and take action on what they thought was right. -
Zinser and Spilman were plannig to force themselves in. Bus loads of other deaf people from other deaf schools had came and donated food and other supplies. So many supporters of this protest. So many rightful agreements. But the battle was not yet won. These students were strongly proving that deaf people could band together for a common cause and succeed. -
Elisabeth Zinser had resigned and I. King Jordan became the President at Gallaudet University and only 3 1/2 of the commands were met. The students held a meeting and vowed not to leave the school for spring break (scheduled to begin that day) until every demand was met. They had a planned march to the Capitol Building. It was a day of celebration. At the capitol the crowd was given a variety of speeches. One was given by Gongressman Steve Gunderson. -
Saturday was a day of rest. Because the weather was unusually nice and balmy for March. Most of the protestors went to afternoon barebeques and all day art festivals. Meanwhile outsiders were calling in and donating food and supplies to support the protest. Even in the uncertain times, they still enjoyed themselves. They all must of had a strong head on their shoulders. -
All the wishes of the students were met. Spilman had resigned Bravin was named the next chair of the Board of Trustees A taskforce would be set up to determine the best way to achieve a 51% deaf majority on the Board No reprisals ... and Dr. I. King Jordan was named eighth president —and first deaf president— of Gallaudet University! It was all over The students proved they could do it. "Deaf people can do anything hearing people can do - Except Hear!" Dr. I King Jordan. -
This protest changed deaf past, present and future. Before this hearing people saw deaf people as 'unable'. It is and was a horrible label to put on anyone, let alone an entire culture. Deaf people do not want to be 'cured' they are happy as they are. They can have great jobs, lives, pay and a love for music. They really are like any other hearing person in the world. They really can do EVERYTHING a hearing person can, except hear.