Lisbon Earthquake(Portugal)
This was a magnitude 9 earthquake. This earthquake caused 20,000 deaths. Soon after the earthquake, fires broke out. People fled their homes with fires burning. -
Krakatoa Eruption(Java/Sumatra)
This eruption had a VEI of 6. The eruption caused 36,000 deaths. It destroyed most of the island and it's surrounding archipelago. -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
This was a magnitude 8.1 earthquake. This earthquake led to 160 deaths. These Hawaiian natives were caught off-guard by the onset of the tsunami due to the inability to transmit warnings from the destroyed posts at Scotch Cap. -
Great Chilean Earthquake(Chile)
This was a magnitude 9.5 earthquake. It caused 1,000-6,000 deaths. It was the largest earthquake recorded in the 20th century. Two million people were left homeless. -
Good Friday Earthquake(Alaska)
This was a magnitude 9.2 earthquake. A total of 130 people lost their lives that day. Most were killed by tsunamis triggered by underwater landslides. -
Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
This was a magnitude 7.8 earthquake. There was a death toll of over 200. The tsunami caused spectacular localized damage, especially on the Southwestern shores of Hokkaido and on Okushiri Island. -
Papua New Guinea Quake(Papua New Guinea)
This was a magnitude 7.1 earthquake. A total of 2,200 were killed. The area worst hit was a 30km coastal strip running north-west from Aitape to the village of Sissano. -
Sumatra Earthquake(Indonesia)
This was a 9.1 magnitude earthquake. Over 230,000 people lost their lives that day. The rupture was more than 600 miles long, displacing the sea floor by 10 yards horizontally and some yards vertically. -
Samoa Earthquake(Samoan Islands)
This was a magnitude 8.1 earthquake. Over 100 people were killed. Major damage/destruction occurred to the coastal areas of Tutuila and other surrounding islands were also impacted. These included Western Samoa and Tonga. -
Chile Earthquake(Chile)
This was a magnitude 8.8 earthquake. This disaster caused over 500 deaths. After the quake, intertidal species rapidly colonized the new stretch of beach that the quake raised up in front of the sea walls. -
Tohoku Earthquake(Japan)
This was a magnitude 9.1 earthquake. There were 15,894 lives lost. It caused radioactive water to leak from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which suffered a level 7 nuclear meltdown after the tsunami.