
Deadly Tsunamis- JD Morgantini

  • 5900 BCE

    Sicily Avalanche Causing Tsunami

    8,000 years ago in Sicily, there was a large avalanche in the rolling mountains. This avalanche leaked into the ocean where huge waves began to rise.
  • Lisbon Tsunami 1755

    Lisbon Tsunami 1755
    Lisbon was hit with a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in 1755, while many tried to escape the earthquake on land via boat, they soon found large waves that destroyed large parts of the city. Ensueing fires did not bear well for the city.
  • Sumatra Tsunami 1883

    Sumatra Tsunami 1883
    The Kraktoa Volcano ignited a large series of waves to be set upon the large settlement of Sumatra in 1883. The Tsunami killed more than 30,000 people.
  • Sanriku 1896 Tsunami

    Sanriku 1896 Tsunami
    The Japanese town of Sanriku was devastated by waves as large as 100 feet tall caused by an earthquake of an 8.5 magnitude. The earthquake combined with the tsunami killed more than 20,000 people.
  • April Fools Tsunami

    April Fools Tsunami
    A tsunami hit the Aleutian islands in Alaska that was caused by an 8.6 magnitude earthqauke. The tsunami hit parts of the islands, Hawaii and the west coast and killed hundreds.
  • 1960 Chile Tsunami

    1960 Chile Tsunami
    A 8.6 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Chile and radiated waves all the way out to Hawaii. Surge waves reached 75 feet and killed thousands.
  • Alaskan Good Friday Tsunami

    Alaskan Good Friday Tsunami
    A 9.2 megathrust earthquake rocked the coast of Alaska and shook for almost 5 minutes. It caused a wave that radiated all the way across the pacific ocean. The disaster killed 131 people.
  • 1993 Sea of Japan Tsunami

    1993 Sea of Japan Tsunami
    A 7.8 maginitude earthqauke shook coastal regions of northern japan. The low level of readiness by these villages resulted in great devastation.
  • 1998 Papa New Guinea Tsunami

    1998 Papa New Guinea Tsunami
    A 7.0 magnitude earthquake made waves that costed many people their lives as the low levels of density and infastructure made it so the buildings that were hit by the tsunami were blown away by the waves.
  • 2004 Sumatra Tsunami

    a 9.2 magnitude earthquake came unexepedectly and caused waves that killed hundreds of thousands within the region of the Indian ocean.
  • 2010 Chilean Tsunami

    A 8.8 magnitude hit off the coast of Chile and it ended up killing hundreds
  • 2011 Japan Tsunami

    a 9.0 maginitude earthquake casued huge waves off the coast of Japan and it ended up melting down a nuclear reactor, leaking large amounts of radiation.