Deadly Tsunamis-Jamison Harper

  • Lisbon Portugal Earthquake, 1755

    Lisbon Portugal Earthquake, 1755
    The Tsunami in Lisbon Portugal was caused by a magnitude 9 earthquake that lasted from 3 and a half to six minutes, with a final death toll of 70,000 people. It occurred on all saints day, and caused tears throughout the city.
  • Krakatoa Eruption, 1883

    Krakatoa Eruption, 1883
    The Krakatoa Eruption was caused by a volcano with a magnitude of 6VEI and caused a death toll of 36,000. The eruption was estimated to have reached 310 dB, which is loud enough to be heard 3,100 miles away. The pressure wave radiated out from Krakatoa at 675 mph. Only 30% of the island remained after the eruption.