Deadly Tsunamis - Dom Hesel

By Dom98
  • Lisbon Earthquake(Portugal)

    Lisbon Earthquake(Portugal)
    There was no warning system what so ever and no way of knowing who was missing or dead. This was one of the first big earthquakes recorded with as much information as could be gathered from the event.
  • Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)

    Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
    This was a volcanic eruption and caused 40,000 deaths. After this disaster, 20 million tons of sulfur were put into the atmosphere.
  • Aleutian Earthquake(Alaska)

    Aleutian Earthquake(Alaska)
    There were about 165-173 deaths recorded and 8.6 magnitude. There was a reported 26 million dollars in damage.
  • Great Chilean Earthquake(Chile)

    Great Chilean Earthquake(Chile)
    1,000-6,000 deaths and a 9.4-9.6 magnitude earthquake. Landslides caused huge waves that went inland.
  • Good Friday Earthquake(Alaska)

    Good Friday Earthquake(Alaska)
    139 deaths and a recorded 9.2 magnitude. There was over 311 million dollars in damage.
  • Hokkaido Earthquake(Japan)

    Hokkaido Earthquake(Japan)
    230 deaths and a 7.7 magnitude. There was moderate damage reported since there was a warning system minutes before it made landfall.
  • Papua new Guinea Quake(Papua New Guinea)

    Papua new Guinea Quake(Papua New Guinea)
    2,183-2,700 deaths and 7.0 magnitude. This tsunami was caused by energy in a reverse fault.
  • Sumatra Earthquake(Indonesia)

    Sumatra Earthquake(Indonesia)
    240,000 people were killed, 9.1-9.3 magnitude and the Indian plate was subducted by the Burma plate which caused huge waves to form in all directions.
  • Samoa Earthquake(Samoan Islands)

    Samoa Earthquake(Samoan Islands)
    189 dead, 8.1 magnitude and the shaking. The waves were reported at 46 ft and it was caused in the ring of fire.
  • Chile Earthquake(Chile)

    Chile Earthquake(Chile)
    525 dead, 8.8 magnitude and the shaking was felt up to 1,500 miles away from the epicenter
  • Tohoku Earthquake(Japan)

    Tohoku Earthquake(Japan)
    18,000 dead and 9.0 magnitude. The result was a nuclear disaster and a mass release of radiation into the atmosphere and water.