Lisbon Earthquake (portugal)
The earthquake caused a tsunami which then caused a fired. This Earthquake was a Magnitude 9. The tsunami reached a height of 7meters and killed about 20,000 people. -
Krakatoa Eruption (Java/Sumatra)
The top of the volcano crashed into the sea creating a tsunami more than 35meters high. It destroyed 165 villages and killed more than 36,000 people. -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
This 8.1 magnitude earthquake killed about 160 people. Also, it caused about $26 million in damages. -
Great Chilean Earthquake (chile)
This 9.5 magnitude earthquake caused a tsunami that traveled for about 15 hours across the Pacific ocean until it reached Chile. It killed 61 people and was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded. -
Good Friday Earthquake (Alaska)
This 9.2 magnitude earthquake killed 130 people in Alaska and California. It resulted in $311 million in damages. -
Hokkaido Earthquake (Japan)
This 7.8 magnitude earthquake in the sea of Japan created a tsunami. The tsunami killed 170 people on Okushiri Island, Japan/ -
Papua New Guinea quake (Papua New Guinea)
This 7.1 magnitude earthquake caused a submarine landslide that then produced a tsunami. The resulting tsunami killed more than 2100 people. -
Sumatra Earthquake (Indonesia)
This 9.1 magnitude earthquake killed 230,000 people. This had the greatest fault length of any recorded earthquake. -
Samoa Earthquake (Samoan islands)
This 8.1 magnitude earthquake killed about 200 people. This occurred in the southern pacific ocean near the Kermadec Tonga subduction zone. -
Chile Earthquake (chile)
This 8.8 magnitude earthquake killed about 700 people in coastal towns. The shaking only lasted 3 minutes. -
Tohoku Earthquake (Japan)
This 9.1 magnitude earthquake killed over 20,000 people. The undersea mega thrust earthquake caused the tsunami.