Deadly Tsunamis- Dan Hehmeyer

  • Lisbon, Portagal

    Lisbon, Portagal
    Magnitude- 9
    Death Toll- 20,000
    - The waves were over 23 feet tall
    - The Earthquake happened in the Atlantic Ocean
  • Krakatoa, Sumatra

    Krakatoa, Sumatra
    Magnitude- None
    Death Toll- 36,000
    - The volcano effected temperatures all across the world for years after the event
    - Only 1/3 of the members of the island survived
  • Aleutians, Alaska

    Aleutians, Alaska
    Magnitude- 8.1
    Death Toll- 160
    - It caused over 26 Million dollars in damage
    - The earthquake happened over 13,000 feet under the ocean surface
  • Valdivia, Chile

    Valdivia, Chile
    Magnitude- 9.5
    Death Toll- 61
    - It took 15 hours to travel across the Pacific Ocean
    - It did $550 Million in damages
  • Alaska Earthquake, Alaska

    Alaska Earthquake, Alaska
    Magnitude- 9.2
    Death Toll- 130
    - Killed people all the way down to California
    - The earthquake lasted about 4.5 minutes
  • Okushiri, Japan

    Okushiri, Japan
    Magnitude- 7.8
    Death Toll- 120
    - It happened 10.8 miles below the surface of the earth
    - Happened in the Pacific Ocean
  • Aitape, New Guinea

    Aitape, New Guinea
    Magnitude- 7.1
    Death Toll- 2100
    - There was an aftershock landslide
    - It happened 19 miles under the earth
  • Sumatra, India

    Sumatra, India
    Magnitude- 9.1
    Death Toll- 230,000
    - The waves topped 100 feet
    - The energy was equivalent to 23,000 atomic bombs
  • Samoa, Samoa

    Samoa, Samoa
    Magnitude- 8.1
    Death Toll- 200
    - It happened 9.3 miles below the surface
    - It happened in a subduction zone
  • Chile, Chile

    Chile, Chile
    Magnitude- 8.8
    Death Toll- 700
    - It was a megathrust earthquake
    - It destroyed over 500k buildings
  • Tōhoku, Japan

    Tōhoku, Japan
    Magnitude- 9.1
    Death Toll- 20,000
    - It happened in the Japan Trench in the ocean
    - Many people who died were never found