Lisbon Earthquake (Portugul)
The magnitude of this earthquake was 9.0 and the total deaths was 20,000 people. The tsunami waves that crossed the Atlantic, amplified heights of 23 feet or move in the West Indies. -
Krakatoa Eruption (Java/ Sumatra)
This eruption caused a total of 36,000 deaths and destroyed 165 villages. -
Aleutian Earthquake (Alaska)
The magnitude of this earthquake was 8.1 and it killed about 160 people. The tsunami waves reached Hawaii, destroying it's shorelines. -
Great Chilean Earthquake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 9.5 and killed about 61 people. The cause was due to the sebduction of Nazca plate under the South American plate. -
Good Friday Earthquake
The magnitude for this earthquake was 9.2 and it killed 130 people. The tallest tsunami wave height was 219 feet in the Shoup Bay. -
Hokkaido Earthquake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 7.8 and it killed about 120 people. The total damage material cost added up to be about 25 trillion yen or 300 billion dollars. -
Papua New Guinea Quake
This earthquakes magnitude was 7.1 and it killed over 2100 people. The earthquake lasted 19 seconds. -
Sumatra Earthquake
This earthquake's magnitude was 9.1 and it killed over 230,000 people. The rupture was more than 600 miles long, displacing it's seafloor by 10 yards. -
Samoa Earthquake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 8.1 and it killed about 200 people. It was the largest earthquake of 2009. -
Chile Earthquake
This earthquake's magnitude was 8.8 and it killed around 700 people. Most of the death's were caused from the tsunami. -
Tohoku Earthquake
The magnitude of this earthquake was 9.1 and it killed over 20,000 people. The estimated damage from the disaster is 199 billion dollars.