Lisbon Portugual Earthquake
Magintude of 9, hit at 9:40 local time.The earthquake caused a tsunami and fires. An Estimated 20,000 people died due to the earthquake, fires and the tsunami. -
Eruption of Krakatoa
A volcano in the Sundra starit between Java and Summatra, the top collapsed. It caused a tsunami that was more than 35 meters high, it destroyed 165 villages and killed more than 36,000 people. -
Aleutian Island Earthquake
Magnitude of 8.1, it caused a tsunami with waves of 45-130 feet, it reached 4.5 hours after the earthquake hit. There were about 160 casualities. -
Vakdivia Earthquake
Magnitude of 9.5, it hit aaround 3:11 local time. It lasted about 10 minutes. It affcted southern Chile, Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeast Australia, and the Aleutian Islands. The waves were up to 25 meters high. -
Great Alaskan Earthquake
Magnitude of 9.2, began around 5:36 AST, hit across south central Alaska. Lasted about 38 seconds, Most powerful earthquake to ever hit North America, and second strongest to be recorded. Their was 130 casualties. -
Papua New Guinea
Magnitude of 7.1, earthquake caussed a submarine landslide that triggered a tsunami, there were 2,100 casualties. -
Hokkaido Earthquake
Hit the sea of Japan nesr the island of Hokkaido. Magnitude of 7.8, occured at 1:17. Their were 120 casualties, it hit mostly japan and hokkaido. -
Sumatra Earthqauke
It was a undersea megthrust earthquake, magnitudeof 9.1. there were 230,000 casualties in the 14 effected countries. It lasted about 8.3-10 minutes, it was caused when the Indian plate was subducted by the Burma plate, waves up too 30 meters. -
Samoa Earthquake
Magnitude of 8.1, hit Samoa region at 6:48 local time. It was the largest earthquakein 2009, with casualties of 200 people. -
Chile earthquake
Magnitude of 8.8, Coats line of chile at 3:34 local time. Intense shaking for 3 minutes. It ranks the sixth largest earthquak to be recorded by a seismograph. A tsunami hit and killed 700 people -
Japan Earhtquake
Magnitutde of 9.1, hit japan at 14:46 JST. Most powerful earhtquake to ever hit japan that was recorded and fifth powerful to ever happen in the world. Caused a tsunami that hieght reached up to 40.5 meters. 15,889 casulaties and 6,152 injured.