Stalin promotes Five year plan, that starts collectivization
Nikita Khrushchev launched reform that condemned the accions of Stalin
De-stalinization starts -
Khushchev renamed Stalingrad and erase presense of Stalin
Sputnik was launched
Berlin wall was built
Breshnev produced the largest autogestion of the state enterprises
Breshnev and Nixon signed space cooperation agreements and to ban underground nuclear tests
Gorbachev launched the reformof Glasnost
Political reforms, elections, new presidency -
Gorbachew launched the reform of Perestroika
New economic policies, market economy, limited free enterprise -
The fall of the Berlin Wall
Gorbachev won the Nobel Peace price
Yeltsin won the elections
The Soviet Union was dissolved and replaced by a politically weak Commonwealth of Independent States
The communist-dominated parliament was dissolved.
hTe economy turned around with the help of rising oil prices.